ECS Rotation not working but values do update

Hi All,
I’m stuck. I can’t get my entities to rotate however the values in the entity hierarchy are changing.

Context: I have a few hundred colliders in the scene. When the entity hits a collider, it turns on a ‘pixel’ assigned to that collider. This gives me a ability to create volumetric patterns within the diamond shape I have. The collider and pixel bits work, however I’m now trying to make my entities rotate outsides. They are box cones. There are 9 of them. As I adjust the Godray Expansion variable, I’m wanting these to fan out. I’ve rotated each of the cones in the editor within the subscene and have copied the quaternion values in the rotation I want. I’m then using quaternion.slerp() to rotate the cones to these positions.
I can see in the hierarchy that rotation and LocalToWorld values update, however nothing happens in the scene.

Inspector View

This is me adjusting the Godray Expansion variable and you can see that it is adjusting the quaternion values on the entity…
Inspector View


However as you can see nothing is updating. The entities aren’t rotating.

Scene View

This is the scene view with the Subscene loaded and opened when not in Play mode. Just showing for context of the scene) That scene cone is what I’m trying to rotate.

Rotation Manager

This is the code I’m using to do the rotation, which is causing the LocalToWorld cords and rotation cords to change.

public partial struct RotationManagerJob : ISystem
    public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)


    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
       quaternion zeroedQ = new quaternion();
        zeroedQ = quaternion.identity;
        foreach (var transform in SystemAPI.Query<RefRW<LocalTransform>, RefRO<RotationalPivot>>().WithAll<RotationalPivot>().WithEntityAccess())

            transform.Item1.ValueRW.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(zeroedQ, transform.Item2.ValueRO.rotationAmount, transform.Item2.ValueRO.rotationMultipler);

The box cones did have a physics body component attached to them - I thought this may have been stopping the rotation so tried setting the Motion type to Dynamic, Kinematic and removing the entire component with no luck.

What am I missing? I would have thought that I would have seen some rotational change with the rotation values.

I’ve whittle this down to being the physics body and physics shape on objects. Currently I have :
– Main Entity(the rotation of this is set to look at a certain cord - this is to rotate around 0,0,0 - this bit works)
– – Pivot point rotation of Entity Below (I have a component running on this to rotate this)
– – – Child Entity that I need to rotate around pivot point but also still be coupled to the rotation of the main entity.

Having the physics shapes and physics body on this seems to decouple the child entities and therefore doesn’t get correctly rotated. Any thoughts?