Edge-to-Edge on iPad Pro

Our game is out and runs well on various iOS devices. However, on the new iPad Pro, the display does not go all the way to the edge of the device. There are black borders on the sides. How do I fix that?

(Yes the game does fill the screen on all other devices. It is a 2D game with a background image on the Canvas that is tiled from 0, 0 to 1, 1. It should fill the entire screen regardless of screen resolution or aspect ratio.)

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I have the same problem. Does anyone have a solution?

I have the same problem. The App is scaled down on new iPad Pro 11", we have borders on the side and on top/bottom (in landscape).
It seems the app trys to fit the old native ipad 10.5" resolution. :eyes:

I updated xcode to 10.1 and use iOS 12.1 as target.
Force to fullscreen does not work either.

Unity Version: 2018.2.12f1

Hey Matt!! Iā€™m encountering the same thing. I built the app with 2017.4.4f1 & XCode 10.1. Iā€™m gonna try building with 2017.4.15f1 and see if I get different results. Also let us know if you found a solution!

I have the solution.
All youā€™ve got to do is upgrade your XCode. You may need to upgrade your OS first to do that. Iā€™m on Mojave with XCode 10.1 with Unity2018.1.9f1

I upgraded my XCode to 10.1 and still had the same behavior, but when I built an empty project it didnā€™t have the problem-- so I went through every setting and it turned out to be caused by my Launch Screen settings in PlayerSettings. I had mine set to ā€œNoneā€. When I switched to ā€œDefaultā€ my build fills the screen properly ā€¾_(惄)_/ā€¾


Ah, very good hint! We actually created different screens (for iPhone, iPhoneX and iPad) so we can do a seamless transition. The trick to keep that behavior is to just change iPad Launch Screen to Default and set the Mobile Splash Screen image to your iPad image. This way all iPhones access your custom images, while all iPads use the Mobile Splash Screen image. Works great for our needs and the iPad Pro 12.9ā€™ā€™ looks good in the simulator now.

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Thanks! you made my day.

This fixed it for me too! Good work :smile:

Thanks a lot!! It perfectly worked! I set it ā€œdefaultā€ for IPad and ā€œImage and background (relative size)ā€ for IPhone (to adapt IPhoneX).

Iā€™m confused, I have both set to Image and background (relative size), does that mean it wonā€™t work properly on an iPad Pro?

I set it both ā€˜Image and background (relative size)ā€™ before, and set ā€˜defaultā€™ only for IPad just nowā€¦It seems like if you want to make it fullsceen, you should set it default for IPad.

However I donā€™t know how it works. Could you please explain to me what options it changed?

iOS determines Appā€™s resolution by looking for launch image with matching screen dimensions in the app asset catalog (*.xassets). If the matching one is not found, it will try to find launch images used by older generation devices for backward compatibility. The app will launch in resolution of whatever launch image is eventually found.

When launch screen options are set to default, Unity generates blank launch image for every screen dimension variant and add them to the asset catalog. The same effect can be achieved with a Storyboard file.

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You may be interested in knowing that VFX Graph is not working on iPad Pro (2nd gen.).

Iā€™m writing in this thread as you may be interested in replicating this issue.
You simply have to build a basic scene with a VFX in it and you will see no particles rendered.
The same scenes will run perfectly on other iOS devices!

I tested it on 8 different iPad Pros (2nd gen.) as we a re working on a museum project. Let me know if you are luckier than meā€¦

It may affect already published games as the same scenes run perfectly on other devices and no (bad) errors are fired while debugging.


If anyone else lands on this badge looking to fix this, I found that even though Iā€™d set my Launch Screen to default, the option was being saved as None. Changing it to None, building then changing it back to Default and building fixed it. Thereā€™s a few instances where you need to do this in Unity.

Also, as I spent ages searching for a result, hereā€™s some of the keywords I tried to hopefully help othersā€¦

black-bars, fullscreen, iPad Pro, 11, 12.9, bars, fill, frame


Regarding the VFX issue:

We already know about his issue. You can track its progress here: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/vfx-graph-crash-in-drawindexednullgeometryindirect-when-using-vfx-graph-on-ios-12

And regarding the issue about the app not showing in fullscreen on iPad Pro,

Could you report this issue with a minimal reproduction project and reply here with the bug ID?

@torahhorse Hi, I have same issue for iPhone X,
unity 2018, firstly everything was fine so unity build for iphone x was full screen, without top and bottom borders, but after updating Xcode and ios version to newest, unity 2018 started generate ios app with top and bottom borders on iphone x, after updating unity version to 2019.1 app builds now full screen but 3d models in game are stretched, any fix for this ?

@AurimasA Hi, can you check my problem, because as I see itā€™s unityā€™s problem with new version of Xcode and iOS