I want to modify points of an EdgeCollider2D via Script. I attached the script to a gameObject. Their is multiple clone of the gameobject Instantiated on runtime.
The function EdgeCollider.points returns always the values of the Original gameObject but i want it to return the value of the clone. When i try to return the position of the gameobjet it returns the position of the clone, which means i’m using the write gameObject.
I don’t Understand why it returns points values of the original GameObject.
Please Help me
public class EntryEdgeCollider : MonoBehaviour
private EdgeCollider2D EdgeCollider;
private Effector2D SurEff;
private Vector2 CenterEarth;
private Vector2 PosEntryFuel;
private Vector2 Temp;
void Start() // Initialise Edge Collider to no exceed Earth Limit.
CenterEarth = new Vector2(0, 0);
EdgeCollider = this.GetComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
Vector2[] LesPoints = EdgeCollider.points;
PosEntryFuel = EdgeCollider.gameObject.transform.parent.localPosition;