Edit Collider no longer working in 2D

Using Unity Editor 5.3.4f1 under OS X, “Edit Collider” is no longer working with 2D colliders.

I’ve tried both BoxCollider2D and PolygonCollider2D: I hit the “Edit Collider” button, the topleft buttons get all unselected as expected, but the green squares around the collider do not appear, even if I move the mouse cursor near the collider itself.

No combination of shift, ctrl, alt and cmd apparently does anything.

While this is annoying for Box colliders I can edit them changing the numeric values… however this makes Poly colliders unusable.

I’ve tried two different projects, and they both exhibit this behaviour.

After a few days, it now works again.
However, this bug has already happened several times, so I have no reason to believe it won’t be back again.
A pity nobody answered.

Same thing happened to me. I just restarted Unity and that fixed it.