I’m using Unity 2018.3 beta 5 and I’m having an issue with edit collider for PolygonCollider2D.
Every time I’m editing the collider and I move one point it automatically exit from the edit mode.
Is it a know issue?
I’m using Unity 2018.3 beta 5 and I’m having an issue with edit collider for PolygonCollider2D.
Every time I’m editing the collider and I move one point it automatically exit from the edit mode.
Is it a know issue?
I found the issue. I have autosave prefab enabled.
That still doesn’t sound right. Could you please submit a report for it with some minimal reproduction steps? Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
it’s very easy to reproduce.
Create a prefab with a PolygonCollider2D and when you edit the collider with autosave turned on every time you move a point it goes out edit mode.
I attached a simple project.
I hope it helps.
3780733–316597–EditColliderIssue.zip (415 KB)
We normally report bugs via the official bug-report tool, as explained in the following link, rather than the forum:
It then also allows you to keep track of the progress.
Done. Thank you!
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it has been forwarded to the developers. Thanks you very much for your help!