Edit Mesh import rotation? ...Blender to Unity rotation

okay, so usually i can in Blender make the rotation -90deg X ctrl+a - set rotation as default

then in unity its 0x … but its like not working now?
i think this is a bug??

i go into blender set it to 0, so my wall mesh is up and down, import it, its -89.981
i go into blender set it to -90, so my wall mesh is left and right, import it, its -89.981
and yeah iam ctrl+A → apply rotation and scale everytime
i even take it out of unity asset folder, and delete it in unity viewer, and then drag it back in*… ugh this is gonna take all day isnt it?*

but okay … so how do i change this number in the import settings??

seems like ANYTHING i do its always that number, i have it in a prefab and iam instantiating the prefab with script, i NEED it to 0 xRot
iam doing this with it, and it always comes up with the -89.981 even tho iam using the prefabs rotation in script??? i dont get it…

 tempTileObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(theObjectToPlace, thePosition, Quaternion.Euler( theObjectToPlace.transform.eulerAngles.x, tileFacingRot,  theObjectToPlace.transform.eulerAngles.z));

still a problem, i just moved on to something else for the time being, since i have alot to do

It’s a blender thing, since it uses Z axis up, which is more or less something that CAD like programs do (since they had X,Y coords for the 2d plans and when they transitioned to 3d, the axis that was left was Z).

Most 3d software uses Y up, Unity does too and it’s what it should do.