okay, so usually i can in Blender make the rotation -90deg X ctrl+a - set rotation as default
then in unity its 0x … but its like not working now?
i think this is a bug??
i go into blender set it to 0, so my wall mesh is up and down, import it, its -89.981
i go into blender set it to -90, so my wall mesh is left and right, import it, its -89.981
and yeah iam ctrl+A → apply rotation and scale everytime
i even take it out of unity asset folder, and delete it in unity viewer, and then drag it back in*… ugh this is gonna take all day isnt it?*
but okay … so how do i change this number in the import settings??
seems like ANYTHING i do its always that number, i have it in a prefab and iam instantiating the prefab with script, i NEED it to 0 xRot
iam doing this with it, and it always comes up with the -89.981 even tho iam using the prefabs rotation in script??? i dont get it…
tempTileObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(theObjectToPlace, thePosition, Quaternion.Euler( theObjectToPlace.transform.eulerAngles.x, tileFacingRot, theObjectToPlace.transform.eulerAngles.z));