Editing a generated mesh from a prefab causes the editor to freeze (Application.UpdateScene)


I’m currently generating a mesh in the Editor (not in play time) and am able to modify it. The mesh is a “terrain” made of multiple hexagone tiles. The edition consists of raising or lowering a tile. It’s working well, but as the mesh is not saved into an asset, it’s saved into the scene file (I suppose).

What I would like is a way to

  • Save my generated mesh into its own asset
  • Save the gameobject containing my generated mesh (and other stuff) in its own prefab
  • Be able to modify the mesh

I managed to save the mesh in its own asset file (using AssetDatabase CreateAsset and SaveAssets), and the edition still works after that.

But when I try to create a Prefab from my GameObject (drag and dropping in a folder) and try to edit the mesh as before, the editor is freezing, and a pop-up displays:

  • Hold on (busy for xxs…)
  • Application.UpdateScene
  • Waiting for Unity’s code to finish executing
    It takes approximately 2-3 minutes, after that, the mesh is modified as wanted.

(tbh, if I generate my mesh, create an asset from this mesh, try to edit it, create a prefab from the GameObject, try to edit it, is will work once or twice. After that, the behaviour written above will apply)

Is this workflow possible? Am I missing something? Doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

The code to generate the mesh / regenerate the mesh after an edition:

void UpdateMesh()
    if (!GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh)
        mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.name = $"chunk_{_posX}_{_posY}";
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = mesh;
        mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

    mesh.vertices = _newVertices;
    mesh.uv = _newUV;
    mesh.triangles = _newTriangles;

    col = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
    col.sharedMesh = null;
    col.sharedMesh = mesh;

The code to save the mesh in its own asset:

public static void SaveMesh(Mesh mesh, string path)
    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, path);

called from

SaveMesh(generatedChunk.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, meshPath);

You are right, this is a bug. Could you please report it with a small repro project? Thank you!

Good evening,

Thanks for the quick answer! I’ve sent a report from Unity:
New Incident created: IN-29975 - Editing a generated mesh from a prefab causes the editor to freeze (Application.UpdateScene)

Let me know if you need further information

