Editing a JS Script in Monodevelop, how??

Ok, I am not crazy, but I installed 3.5, and no UniSciTE, so I decided to try Monodevelop.
I double click on my script, it opens in MD fine. I can see the code, its nicely formated etc…

I go to edit the script, and it acts fUNKY. Like the w key, is tabbing. I can’t seem to insert or edit the code, its like its in some kind of mode.

I just don’t get it. I used to double click on my scripts, edit and save, and move on.
In MD, I am just fumbling around, not able to get anything done!

I am using Windows 7, 64bit. I have tried messing with the settings under tools options, but nothing changes.

Why can’t I do simple edits?? What is the secret to this crazy editor!!!

FOUND THE ANSWER!! FInally after searching many blogs, as Monodevelop has Limtied or NO help or documentation!

If you find your editor acting funky and not allowing you the simple edits , such as SHIFT Selections, and inserting you have ViModes on.

Go to TOOLS > OPTIONS > TEXT EDITOR Behavior Then Under Navigation Un-check the Use Vi modes, and you edtior will act the the UniScITE editor did! What a pain, what is Vimode
anyways!! (no documentation on that!)