I found an AI patrolling script (JS) that uses GameObjects as waypoints for a car game I am making for a project at college. The script is exactly what I wanted except for the fact that it has some code in that makes the waypoints always at the characters height. As my game has different levels and ramps, as soon as the car goes of the end of the ramp it just then patrols the points at the same height rather than coming back down. How can I change the code to accommodate this? It’s under function patrol. I have tried taking the 3 lines out but I get a compiler error and I tried changing the axis to no avail.
#pragma strict
var waypoint : Transform[]; // The amount of Waypoint you want
var patrolSpeed : float = 3; // The walking speed between Waypoints
var loop : boolean = true; // Do you want to keep repeating the Waypoints
var dampingLook = 6.0; // How slowly to turn
var pauseDuration : float = 0; // How long to pause at a Waypoint
private var curTime : float;
private var currentWaypoint : int = 0;
private var character : CharacterController;
function Start(){
character = GetComponent(CharacterController);
function Update(){
if(currentWaypoint < waypoint.length){
function patrol(){
var target : Vector3 = waypoint[currentWaypoint].position;
target.y = transform.position.y; // Keep waypoint at character's height
var moveDirection : Vector3 = target - transform.position;
if(moveDirection.magnitude < 0.5){
if (curTime == 0)
curTime = Time.time; // Pause over the Waypoint
if ((Time.time - curTime) >= pauseDuration){
curTime = 0;
var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target - transform.position);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * dampingLook);
character.Move(moveDirection.normalized * patrolSpeed * Time.deltaTime);