Editor becomes super slow after adding a few Light2D in scene

So when I start having say more than 10 small Light2Ds active in a scene, navigating the Editor becomes extremely slow, taking up to 4 seconds just to resize a simple window. I’ve had this problem in 2021.2.0a16, 2021.1.6f1 and 2021.1.5f1. Same project but with 2020.3.7f1 and the editor runs super smoothly.

Hi @DonFaddoul ,

Sounds like it could be related to the issue discussed in this thread: Big rendering performance loss from 2020.3.4 to 2021.1 (Lights / ShadowCasters)

It would be very helpful if you could submit a bu report with a small reproduction project so we can have a look at your particular problem.

Alright, will do.

I checked quickly your link, but in my case I wasn’t using any shadows/shadow casters, and the game itself runs fine. I took some screenshots of the profiler a few days ago, in case it can help.

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