This is very strange. I added an ItemInventory class, and made it [System.Serializable]
Now for some reason, every time Unity compiles my code, the editor tries to instantiate this class which causes a bunch of logs and stuff.
Any ideas why? Look at the log, the first thing I see is the constructor, no hint as to why the constructor is called by the editor in the first place.
Removing the serializable attribute fixes the issue, but this never happened to me before and I have plenty of serializable stuff.
jsons amount: 1
ConfigManager:LoadConfig(String[], Boolean) (at Assets/Scripts/Config/ConfigManager.cs:95)
ConfigManager:.ctor() (at Assets/Scripts/Config/ConfigManager.cs:39)
ConfigUtils:get_ConfigManager() (at Assets/Scripts/Config/ConfigUtils.cs:25)
ConfigUtils:get_GameConfig() (at Assets/Scripts/Config/ConfigUtils.cs:32)
TypeBase:get_TypesConfig() (at Assets/Scripts/Types/TypeBase.cs:16)
TypeBase:GetItemTypes() (at Assets/Scripts/Types/TypeBase.cs:7)
ItemType:get_AllTypes() (at Assets/Scripts/Types/ItemType.cs:7)
ItemInventory:.ctor() (at Assets/Scripts/Items/Inventory.cs:30)