Editor Compiles after File Operation! Normal behaviour?

Hi everyone,

the editor compiles scripts after each file change. If I duplicate or delete a file (not a script file, but a texture or terrain layer) then it recompiles everything. This takes a lot of time in a large project.

Does anyone have the same experience or a solution to the problem?

If you have any code changes that have not yet been recompiled, a change to any files will cause that to happen and initiate a domain reload.

If there are no code changes to be compiled then there shouldn’t be a domain reload.

Exactly. And if there’s any kind of editor script that, if some specific or even any assets are modified also modifies scripts, then that will also lead to a recompile / assembly reload.

I dont have any Code Changes. I´ll try to find out what exactly is the cause to that behaviour

Oh man, it took me a while to find it because I’ve hardly used the profiler so far.
An old asset has called HelperCompiler.OnWillDeleteAsset(), and this leads to CodeEditorProjectSync.SyncEditorProject() being called, which compiles the entire project again.

After I removed the asset, the editor runs much faster and better.

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