My OS Windows 8.1, Unity 5.0.0.f4
I build project for Windows Phone 8.1 and get warnings and errors in console as
NameScript.cs(223,18): error CS0117: “System.IO.File” �� ᮤ�ন� ��।������ ��� “SetAttributes”
I don’t read this errors. Problems with encoding.
How and where it can be done?
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Windows Store Apps
Windows 10 x64
OS codepage 936
Assets\NGUI\Scripts\UI\UIInput.cs(608,15): warning CS0618: ��UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform.MetroPlayerX86���ѹ�ʱ:��Use WSAPlayerX86 instead��Assets\NGUI\Scripts\UI\UIInput.cs(607,15): warning CS0618: ��UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform.MetroPlayerX64���ѹ�ʱ:��Use WSAPlayerX64 instead��Assets\NGUI\Scripts\UI\UIInput.cs(606,15): warning CS0618: ��UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform.MetroPlayerARM���ѹ�ʱ:��Use WSAPlayerARM instead��