Editor Console window message no longer wraps... Help? Please?

I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know how this happened, and I can’t find a fix. Somebody please help!

When you click an error, log, or warning in the editor’s console window and the “expanded version” appears at the bottom, mine is no longer wrapped. It shows up as only one line, that I have to scroll back and forth several times to make sense of the error. I’m sure this doesn’t make sense, so check out the photo to see what I’m talking about.


What’s up with the scroll bar inside the console window!?!? Has anybody ever seen this?

If it’s relevant, I am using Unity 4.5.2, and just updated my Sublime Text 2 to Sublime Text 3. As far as I can tell though, ST3 seems to be working perfectly. Double clicking the error jumps to the correct line in the correct script in ST3. This is driving me crazy!!

Any help, advice, suggestions, anything would be greatly appreciated!

Has anyone even seen this before? Or am I the only one this has happened to?

Please fill a bug report, this is very annoying.

I’m not sure how you managed to get it onto one line but you can make the scrollbar appear if you make the console skinny enough.

Is there a tiny vertical scrollbar (or scroll buttons) on the right side? Maybe you accidentaly moved that up or down to make it appear on one line.

You may also have gremlins in your editor scripts somewhere.