Hi All,
I have extended the CopyPaste( http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/74190-Copy-Paste-Editor-Extension-(-Save-changes-made-during-runtime) ) script, this script takes all the monobehaviour script changes in a particualar scene (during the play mode) and when requested to paste it pastes the modification wen you are out of play mode.
Download the attached “CopyPaste.cs” to your “Assets/Editor/” folder and you can find the window in “Tools/Copy-paste” to use this tool.
Note :-
I have extended the “CopyPasteEditor.cs” of [Noman]
Also this ( http://angryant.com/general/tips-and-tricks/CopyInspector ) post from AngryAnt must be useful
718800–26067–$CopyPaste.cs (9 KB)
718800–26137–$UpdatePrefab.cs (5.31 KB)
Does it work with dynamically loaded prefabs?
No it wont work.This works only for the gameobjects which are persistent in the scene
I have uploaded another editor script “UpdatePrefab.cs”.
Menu name - Tools->Update Or Create Prefab
We have an option named “Auto Search Prefab” in this tool, which tries to find the original prefab based on two categories.
- If your prefab instance is static it can easily identify
- if your prefab instance is dynamic then it expects the gameobject name to be [prefabName] + (Clone) to find the corresponding prefab.
for eg : if your prefab name is “Camera.prefab” then the instantiated gameobject name must be “Camera(Clone)” (this is what unity does by default)
- If its not able to find the corresponding prefab then you must manually assign the prefab to get updated.
Creating a new prefab from a gameobject is also avialable