Editor Crash/Soft lock in version 3.2.0-pre.3

Hi, I was setting a text TMP_Text (the Unity UI component) from script and it causes an editor blocage (infinite loop?) and memory starts to fill up. On Unity 2020.3.17f1.

Edit, more info: possibly caused by characters like ™ and (r)

Solved it by downgrading to version 3.2.0-pre.2 :wink:

My code looks like this:

// Clear Label
var label = _buttonLabels[i]; // Array of TMP_Text, wo/ null refs; i comes from a loop not shown here
if (label)
    label.text = "";

// _perButtonDataFiller is a delegate
if (_perButtonDataFiller != null)
    var data = new ButtonData();
    _perButtonDataFiller(data, index); // index comes from a loop not shown here

    if (label && data.Label != null)
        label.text = data.Label; // <-- HERE the bug begins, maybe bcs of clearing on ln6 ?


Any chance you can submit a bug report with project to reproduce this?

If you do submit a bug report, please provide the case # once you have it.