Editor crash with memory debugging enabled

Was trying to debug a memory leak in baking and noticed enabling these 3 settings
TempMemoryLeakValidation: True
JobTempMemoryLeakValidation: True
ForceDebugAllocator: True

-edit- Testing further and disabling ForceDebugAllocator stops it crashing so that seems like the culprit

And entering play mode crashes unity 100% with this stack trace

Obtained 39 stack frames
0x00007ff657676371 (Unity) BatchRendererGroup::~BatchRendererGroup 0x00007ff6576789df (Unity) BatchRendererGroup::smile:estroy
0x00007ff656d03d08 (Unity) BatchRendererGroup_CUSTOM_Destroy
0x0000028631545d61 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup:smile:estroy (intptr)
0x0000028631545bdb (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup:smile:ispose ()
0x0000028631543ebb (Mono JIT Code) [EntitiesGraphicsSystem.cs:1186] Unity.Rendering.EntitiesGraphicsSystem:smile:ispose ()
0x0000028631543aab (Mono JIT Code) [EntitiesGraphicsSystem.cs:963] Unity.Rendering.EntitiesGraphicsSystem:OnDestroy ()
0x0000028631524d60 (Mono JIT Code) [ComponentSystemBase.cs:281] Unity.Entities.ComponentSystemBase:OnDestroy_Internal ()
0x0000028631523803 (Mono JIT Code) [World.cs:1001] Unity.Entities.World:smile:estroyAllSystemsAndLogException ()
0x0000028631520c43 (Mono JIT Code) [World.cs:303] Unity.Entities.World:smile:ispose ()
0x000002863151fb33 (Mono JIT Code) [World.cs:329] Unity.Entities.World:smile:isposeAllWorlds ()
0x000002863151d7c3 (Mono JIT Code) [DefaultWorldInitialization.cs:101] Unity.Entities.DefaultWorldInitialization:smile:omainUnloadOrPlayModeChangeShutdown ()
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Yeah this crash is a known issue. It has been fixed already. Unfortunately it did not make it before the cutoff. Should be fixed in 2022.2.0b10.


@tertle may I ask where can I find such useful settings?

P.S. I am sorry, found them by myself in Preferences->Diagnostics->Core