Editor GUI TEXT On Inspector: How to add header text note in the inspector using a Custom Editor Inspector script ?

Using [Header] is possible to add text into the inspector on a regular script.
But I’m using a CustomEditor script inside the editor folder. I’m a beginner making editor scripts. Is there a function similar to “Header” that I can use inside OnInspectorGUI ?

as for example EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.Header("Info text note "); ??

or a workaround?

I believe the function you’re looking for is EditorGUILayout.LabelField();

Yes, @FortisVenaliter ! using:

EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "TITLE: ",   "info note in inspector");

inside OnInspectorGUI() it is possible to add text. Also, there is a function to make a message

EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This is a square message info in inspector", MessageType.Info);

The result in inspector will be:
