Editor hangs when Analytics is enabled

Often when I run my game in the editor with Analytics enabled the editor will hang. Unity will max out one CPU and the game will never start. The editor will respond immediately to an End Task in Task Manager. When this happens I restart the editor and turn Analytics off and everything plays fine.

The game built with analytics seems to start just fine.

Any idea what’s going on here? It doesn’t happen every time.

Windows 10
Unity 5.2.4f1

Hi @NunSuperior ,

Thank you for the info, I am going to see if I can reproduce this and will let you know what I find.

Hey @NunSuperior ,

  • I wanted to give you an update, I have not been able to successfully reproduce this. Would you be able to send me a direct message with the Editor.log file the next time this happens? Have you had this issue on any other versions of Unity? One possible suggestion is to upgrade to version 5.3 and see if the same behaviour continues.

Thanks for trying. I’ll see if I can make a test project to reproduce the problem. I’m close to shipping my game so I’m hesitant to change versions again.

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Same here. Unity 5.3.4 hangs or crashes when I hit play with Analytics enabled.

@luminarysoft Can you please send me a direct message with the Editor.log file when it happens again, or if the crash reporter is launched, please send us a bug report and send me the bug number:
