Another update, I caught unity hanging again and this time the debugger managed to get me some info. one of the threads was hanging here at PackageCache\com.unity.ui@1.0.0-preview.3\Core\IMGUIContainer.cs:333
Hopefully it’s relevant. Pressing F5 never steps into nor F6 steps over. It is permanently stuck there. Since I seem to be the only person with this issue, I wonder if it is not hanging while attempting to draw some custom window or inspector I made. The issue is that I don’t really know how to get any info out of onGUIHandler
. This is what the VS Inspector has to say about it:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.UIElements
/// <summary>
/// Element that draws IMGUI content.
/// </summary>
public class IMGUIContainer : VisualElement, IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates an <see cref="IMGUIContainer"/> using the data read from a UXML file.
/// </summary>
public new class UxmlFactory : UxmlFactory<IMGUIContainer, UxmlTraits> {}
/// <summary>
/// Defines <see cref="UxmlTraits"/> for the <see cref="IMGUIContainer"/>.
/// </summary>
public new class UxmlTraits : VisualElement.UxmlTraits
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public UxmlTraits()
focusIndex.defaultValue = 0;
focusable.defaultValue = true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an empty enumerable, as IMGUIContainer cannot have VisualElement children.
/// </summary>
public override IEnumerable<UxmlChildElementDescription> uxmlChildElementsDescription
get { yield break; }
// Set this delegate to have your IMGUI code execute inside the container
private Action m_OnGUIHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The function that is called to render and handle IMGUI events.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The function is assigned to onGUIHandler and is similar to <see cref="MonoBehaviour.OnGUI"/>.
/// </remarks>
public Action onGUIHandler
get { return m_OnGUIHandler; }
if (m_OnGUIHandler != value)
m_OnGUIHandler = value;
// If needed, an IMGUIContainer will allocate native state via this utility object to store control IDs
ObjectGUIState m_ObjectGUIState;
internal ObjectGUIState guiState
if (m_ObjectGUIState == null)
m_ObjectGUIState = new ObjectGUIState();
return m_ObjectGUIState;
// This is not nice but needed until we properly remove the dependency on GUIView's own ObjectGUIState
// At least this implementation is not needed for users, only for containers created to wrap each GUIView
internal bool useOwnerObjectGUIState;
internal Rect lastWorldClip { get; set; }
// If true, skip OnGUI() calls when outside the viewport
private bool m_CullingEnabled = false;
// If true, the IMGUIContainer received Focus through delgation
private bool m_IsFocusDelegated = false;
/// <summary>
/// When this property is set to true, <see cref="onGUIHandler"/> is not called when the Element is outside the viewport.
/// </summary>
public bool cullingEnabled
get { return m_CullingEnabled; }
set { m_CullingEnabled = value; IncrementVersion(VersionChangeType.Repaint); }
private bool m_RefreshCachedLayout = true;
private GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache m_Cache = null;
private GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache cache
if (m_Cache == null)
m_Cache = new GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache();
return m_Cache;
// We cache the clipping rect and transform during regular painting so that we can reuse them
// during the DoMeasure call to DoOnGUI(). It's still important to not
// pass for the clipping rect as this eventually sets the
// global GUIClip.visibleRect which IMGUI code could be using to influence
// size. See case 1111923 and 1158089.
private Rect m_CachedClippingRect =;
private Matrix4x4 m_CachedTransform = Matrix4x4.identity;
private float layoutMeasuredWidth
return Mathf.Ceil(cache.topLevel.maxWidth);
private float layoutMeasuredHeight
return Mathf.Ceil(cache.topLevel.maxHeight);
/// <summary>
/// ContextType of this IMGUIContrainer. Currently only supports ContextType.Editor.
/// </summary>
public ContextType contextType { get; set; }
// The following 2 flags indicate the following :
// 1) lostFocus : a blur event occurred and we need to make sure the actual keyboard focus from IMGUI is really un-focused
bool lostFocus = false;
// 2) receivedFocus : a Focus event occurred and we need to focus the actual IMGUIContainer as being THE element focused.
bool receivedFocus = false;
FocusChangeDirection focusChangeDirection = FocusChangeDirection.unspecified;
bool hasFocusableControls = false;
int newKeyboardFocusControlID = 0;
internal bool focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls { get; set; } = true;
public override bool canGrabFocus => focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls ? hasFocusableControls && base.canGrabFocus : base.canGrabFocus;
/// <summary>
/// USS class name of elements of this type.
/// </summary>
public static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-imgui-container";
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public IMGUIContainer()
: this(null)
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onGUIHandler">The function assigned to <see cref="onGUIHandler"/>.</param>
public IMGUIContainer(Action onGUIHandler)
isIMGUIContainer = true;
this.onGUIHandler = onGUIHandler;
contextType = ContextType.Editor;
focusable = true;
requireMeasureFunction = true;
generateVisualContent += OnGenerateVisualContent;
private void OnGenerateVisualContent(MeshGenerationContext mgc)
lastWorldClip = elementPanel.repaintData.currentWorldClip;
// Access to the painter is internal and is not exposed to public
// The IStylePainter is kept as an interface rather than a concrete class for now to support tests
mgc.painter.DrawImmediate(DoIMGUIRepaint, cullingEnabled);
// global GUI values.
// container saves and restores them before doing his thing
private struct GUIGlobals
public Matrix4x4 matrix;
public Color color;
public Color contentColor;
public Color backgroundColor;
public bool enabled;
public bool changed;
public int displayIndex;
private GUIGlobals m_GUIGlobals;
private void SaveGlobals()
m_GUIGlobals.matrix = GUI.matrix;
m_GUIGlobals.color = GUI.color;
m_GUIGlobals.contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
m_GUIGlobals.backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor;
m_GUIGlobals.enabled = GUI.enabled;
m_GUIGlobals.changed = GUI.changed;
if (Event.current != null)
m_GUIGlobals.displayIndex = Event.current.displayIndex;
private void RestoreGlobals()
GUI.matrix = m_GUIGlobals.matrix;
GUI.color = m_GUIGlobals.color;
GUI.contentColor = m_GUIGlobals.contentColor;
GUI.backgroundColor = m_GUIGlobals.backgroundColor;
GUI.enabled = m_GUIGlobals.enabled;
GUI.changed = m_GUIGlobals.changed;
if (Event.current != null)
Event.current.displayIndex = m_GUIGlobals.displayIndex;
static int s_OnGUICounter = 1;
private void DoOnGUI(Event evt, Matrix4x4 parentTransform, Rect clippingRect, bool isComputingLayout, Rect layoutSize, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus = true)
// Extra checks are needed here because client code might have changed the IMGUIContainer
// since we enter HandleIMGUIEvent()
if (onGUIHandler == null
|| panel == null)
// Save the GUIClip count to make sanity checks after calling the OnGUI handler
int guiClipCount = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount();
// Save a copy of the container size.
var previousMeasuredWidth = layoutMeasuredWidth;
var previousMeasuredHeight = layoutMeasuredHeight;
UIElementsUtility.BeginContainerGUI(cache, evt, this);
// For the IMGUI, we need to update the GUI.color with the actual play mode tint ...
// In fact, this is taken from EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState().
// Here, the play mode tint is either white (no tint, or not in play mode) or the right color (if in play mode)
GUI.color = UIElementsUtility.editorPlayModeTintColor;
// From now on, Event.current is either evt or a copy of evt.
// Since Event.current may change while being processed, we do not rely on evt below but use Event.current instead.
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
if (lostFocus)
if (focusController != null)
// We dont want to clear the GUIUtility.keyboardControl if another IMGUIContainer
// just set it in the if (receivedFocus) block below. So we only clear it if own it.
if (GUIUtility.OwnsId(GUIUtility.keyboardControl))
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0;
lostFocus = false;
if (receivedFocus)
if (hasFocusableControls)
if (focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.unspecified && focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.none)
// We got here by tabbing.
// We assume we are using the VisualElementFocusRing.
if (focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.left)
else if (focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.right)
else if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0 && m_IsFocusDelegated)
// Since GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0, we got focused in some other way than by clicking inside us
// (for example it could be by clicking in an element that delegates focus to us).
// Give GUIUtility.keyboardControl to our first control.
if (focusController != null)
if (focusController.imguiKeyboardControl != GUIUtility.keyboardControl && focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.unspecified)
newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
receivedFocus = false;
focusChangeDirection = FocusChangeDirection.unspecified;
// We intentionally don't send the NewKeyboardFocus command here since it creates an issue with the AutomatedWindow
// newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
EventType originalEventType = Event.current.type;
bool isExitGUIException = false;
using (new GUIClip.ParentClipScope(parentTransform, clippingRect))
Console.WriteLine($"{s_OnGUICounter++} {this.GetDisplayName()}.OnGUI({evt.rawType}>{Event.current.type})");
catch (Exception exception)
// only for layout events: we always intercept any exceptions to not interrupt event processing
if (originalEventType == EventType.Layout)
isExitGUIException = GUIUtility.IsExitGUIException(exception);
if (!isExitGUIException)
// rethrow event if not in layout
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout && canAffectFocus)
int currentKeyboardFocus = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
int result = GUIUtility.CheckForTabEvent(Event.current);
if (focusController != null)
if (result < 0)
// If CheckForTabEvent returns -1 or -2, we have reach the end/beginning of its control list.
// We should switch the focus to the next VisualElement.
Focusable currentFocusedElement = focusController.GetLeafFocusedElement();
Focusable nextFocusedElement = null;
using (KeyDownEvent e = KeyDownEvent.GetPooled('\t', KeyCode.Tab, result == -1 ? EventModifiers.None : EventModifiers.Shift))
nextFocusedElement = focusController.SwitchFocusOnEvent(e);
if (currentFocusedElement == this)
if (nextFocusedElement == this)
// We will still have the focus. We should cycle around our controls.
if (result == -2)
else if (result == -1)
newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
// We will lose the focus. Set the focused element ID to 0 until next
// IMGUIContainer have a chance to set it to its own control.
// Doing this will ensure we draw ourselves without any focused control.
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0;
else if (result > 0)
// A positive result indicates that the focused control has changed to one of our elements; result holds the control id.
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
else if (result == 0)
// This means the event is not a tab. Synchronize our focus info with IMGUI.
if (originalEventType == EventType.MouseDown && !focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls)
focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, true);
else if ((currentKeyboardFocus != GUIUtility.keyboardControl) || (originalEventType == EventType.MouseDown))
focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, false);
else if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != focusController.imguiKeyboardControl)
// Here we want to resynchronize our internal state ...
newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
if (focusController.GetLeafFocusedElement() == this)
// In this case, the focused element is the right one in the Focus Controller... we are just updating the internal imguiKeyboardControl
focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
// In this case, the focused element is NOT the right one in the Focus Controller... we also have to refocus...
focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, false);
// Cache the fact that we have focusable controls or not.
hasFocusableControls = GUIUtility.HasFocusableControls();
// This will copy Event.current into evt.
UIElementsUtility.EndContainerGUI(evt, layoutSize);
// See if the container size has changed. This is to make absolutely sure the VisualElement resizes
// if the IMGUI content resizes.
if (evt.type == EventType.Layout &&
(!Mathf.Approximately(previousMeasuredWidth, layoutMeasuredWidth) || !Mathf.Approximately(previousMeasuredHeight, layoutMeasuredHeight)))
if (isComputingLayout)
this.schedule.Execute(() => IncrementVersion(VersionChangeType.Layout));
if (!isExitGUIException)
// This is the same logic as GUIClipState::EndOnGUI
if (evt.type != EventType.Ignore && evt.type != EventType.Used)
int currentCount = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount();
if (currentCount > guiClipCount)
Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced.");
else if (currentCount < guiClipCount)
Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are popping more GUIClips than you are pushing. Make sure they are balanced.");
// Clear extraneous GUIClips
while (GUIClip.Internal_GetCount() > guiClipCount)
if (evt.type == EventType.Used)
/// <summary>
/// Marks layout as dirty to trigger a redraw.
/// </summary>
public void MarkDirtyLayout()
m_RefreshCachedLayout = true;
public override void HandleEvent(EventBase evt)
if (evt == null)
if (evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.TrickleDown &&
evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.AtTarget &&
evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.BubbleUp)
if (evt.imguiEvent == null)
if (evt.isPropagationStopped)
if (SendEventToIMGUI(evt))
// This is the IStylePainterInternal.DrawImmediate callback
private void DoIMGUIRepaint()
var offset = elementPanel.repaintData.currentOffset;
m_CachedClippingRect = ComputeAAAlignedBound(worldClip, offset);
m_CachedTransform = offset * worldTransform;
HandleIMGUIEvent(elementPanel.repaintData.repaintEvent, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, onGUIHandler, true);
internal bool SendEventToIMGUI(EventBase evt, bool canAffectFocus = true, bool verifyBounds = true)
if (evt is IPointerEvent)
if (evt.imguiEvent != null && evt.imguiEvent.isDirectManipulationDevice)
bool sendPointerEvent = false;
EventType originalEventType = evt.imguiEvent.rawType;
if (evt is PointerDownEvent)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchDown;
else if (evt is PointerUpEvent)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchUp;
else if (evt is PointerMoveEvent && evt.imguiEvent.rawType == EventType.MouseDrag)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchMove;
else if (evt is PointerLeaveEvent)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchLeave;
else if (evt is PointerEnterEvent)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchEnter;
else if (evt is PointerStationaryEvent)
sendPointerEvent = true;
evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchStationary;
if (sendPointerEvent)
bool result = SendEventToIMGUIRaw(evt, canAffectFocus, verifyBounds);
evt.imguiEvent.type = originalEventType;
return result;
// If not touch then we should not handle PointerEvents on IMGUI, we will handle the MouseEvent sent right after
return false;
return SendEventToIMGUIRaw(evt, canAffectFocus, verifyBounds);
private bool SendEventToIMGUIRaw(EventBase evt, bool canAffectFocus, bool verifyBounds)
if (verifyBounds && !VerifyBounds(evt))
return false;
bool result;
using (new EventDebuggerLogIMGUICall(evt))
result = HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent, canAffectFocus);
return result;
private bool VerifyBounds(EventBase evt)
return IsContainerCapturingTheMouse() || !IsLocalEvent(evt) || IsEventInsideLocalWindow(evt);
private bool IsContainerCapturingTheMouse()
return this == panel?.dispatcher?.pointerState.GetCapturingElement(PointerId.mousePointerId);
private bool IsLocalEvent(EventBase evt)
long evtType = evt.eventTypeId;
return evtType == MouseDownEvent.TypeId() || evtType == MouseUpEvent.TypeId() ||
evtType == MouseMoveEvent.TypeId() ||
evtType == PointerDownEvent.TypeId() || evtType == PointerUpEvent.TypeId() ||
evtType == PointerMoveEvent.TypeId();
private bool IsEventInsideLocalWindow(EventBase evt)
Rect clippingRect = GetCurrentClipRect();
string pointerType = (evt as IPointerEvent)?.pointerType;
bool isDirectManipulationDevice = (pointerType == PointerType.touch || pointerType == PointerType.pen);
return GUIUtility.HitTest(clippingRect, evt.originalMousePosition, isDirectManipulationDevice);
private bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, bool canAffectFocus)
return HandleIMGUIEvent(e, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);
internal bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus)
GetCurrentTransformAndClip(this, e, out m_CachedTransform, out m_CachedClippingRect);
return HandleIMGUIEvent(e, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);
private bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, Matrix4x4 worldTransform, Rect clippingRect, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus)
if (e == null || onGUIHandler == null || elementPanel == null || elementPanel.IMGUIEventInterests.WantsEvent(e.rawType) == false)
return false;
EventType originalEventType = e.rawType;
if (originalEventType != EventType.Layout)
if (m_RefreshCachedLayout || elementPanel.IMGUIEventInterests.WantsLayoutPass(e.rawType))
// Only update the layout in-between repaint events.
e.type = EventType.Layout;
DoOnGUI(e, worldTransform, clippingRect, false, layout, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);
m_RefreshCachedLayout = false;
e.type = originalEventType;
// Reuse layout cache for other events.
DoOnGUI(e, worldTransform, clippingRect, false, layout, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);
if (newKeyboardFocusControlID > 0)
newKeyboardFocusControlID = 0;
Event focusCommand = new Event
type = EventType.ExecuteCommand,
commandName = EventCommandNames.NewKeyboardFocus
HandleIMGUIEvent(focusCommand, true);
if (e.rawType == EventType.Used)
return true;
else if (e.rawType == EventType.MouseUp && this.HasMouseCapture())
// This can happen if a MouseDown was caught by a different IM element but we ended up here on the
// MouseUp event because no other element consumed it, including the one that had capture.
// Example case: start text selection in a text field, but drag mouse all the way into another
// part of the editor, release the mouse button. Since the mouse up was sent to another container,
// we end up here and that is perfectly legal (unfortunately unavoidable for now since no IMGUI control
// used the event), but hot control might still belong to the IM text field at this point.
// We can safely release the hot control which will release the capture as the same time.
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
// If we detect that we were removed while processing this event, hi-jack the event loop to early exit
// In IMGUI/Editor this is actually possible just by calling EditorWindow.Close() for example
if (elementPanel == null)
return false;
protected override void ExecuteDefaultAction(EventBase evt)
if (evt == null)
// no call to base.ExecuteDefaultAction(evt):
// - we dont want mouse click to directly give focus to IMGUIContainer:
// they should be handled by IMGUI and if an IMGUI control grabs the
// keyboard, the IMGUIContainer will gain focus via FocusController.SyncIMGUIFocus.
// - same thing for tabs: IMGUI should handle them.
// - we dont want to set the PseudoState.Focus flag on IMGUIContainer.
// They are focusable, but only for the purpose of focusing their children.
// Here, we set flags that will be acted upon in DoOnGUI(), since we need to change IMGUI state.
if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
// A lost focus event is ... a lost focus event.
// The specific handling of the IMGUI will be done in the DoOnGUI() above...
lostFocus = true;
// On lost focus, we need to repaint to remove any focused element blue borders.
else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
FocusEvent fe = evt as FocusEvent;
receivedFocus = true;
focusChangeDirection = fe.direction;
m_IsFocusDelegated = fe.IsFocusDelegated;
else if (evt.eventTypeId == DetachFromPanelEvent.TypeId())
if (elementPanel != null)
else if (evt.eventTypeId == AttachToPanelEvent.TypeId())
if (elementPanel != null)
protected internal override Vector2 DoMeasure(float desiredWidth, MeasureMode widthMode, float desiredHeight, MeasureMode heightMode)
float measuredWidth = float.NaN;
float measuredHeight = float.NaN;
if (widthMode != MeasureMode.Exactly || heightMode != MeasureMode.Exactly)
var evt = new Event { type = EventType.Layout };
var layoutRect = layout;
// Make sure the right width/height will be used at the final stage of the calculation
switch (widthMode)
case MeasureMode.Exactly:
layoutRect.width = desiredWidth;
switch (heightMode)
case MeasureMode.Exactly:
layoutRect.height = desiredHeight;
// When computing layout it's important to not call GetCurrentTransformAndClip
// because it will remove the dirty flag on the container transform which might
// set the transform in an invalid state. That's why we have to pass
// cached transform and clipping state here. It's still important to not
// pass for the clipping rect as this eventually sets the
// global GUIClip.visibleRect which IMGUI code could be using to influence
// size. See case 1111923 and 1158089.
DoOnGUI(evt, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, true, layoutRect, onGUIHandler, true);
measuredWidth = layoutMeasuredWidth;
measuredHeight = layoutMeasuredHeight;
switch (widthMode)
case MeasureMode.Exactly:
measuredWidth = desiredWidth;
case MeasureMode.AtMost:
measuredWidth = Mathf.Min(measuredWidth, desiredWidth);
switch (heightMode)
case MeasureMode.Exactly:
measuredHeight = desiredHeight;
case MeasureMode.AtMost:
measuredHeight = Mathf.Min(measuredHeight, desiredHeight);
return new Vector2(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
private Rect GetCurrentClipRect()
Rect clipRect = this.lastWorldClip;
if (clipRect.width == 0.0f || clipRect.height == 0.0f)
// lastWorldClip will be empty until the first repaint occurred,
// we fall back on the worldBound in this case.
clipRect = this.worldBound;
return clipRect;
private static void GetCurrentTransformAndClip(IMGUIContainer container, Event evt, out Matrix4x4 transform, out Rect clipRect)
clipRect = container.GetCurrentClipRect();
transform = container.worldTransform;
if (evt.rawType == EventType.Repaint
&& container.elementPanel != null)
// during repaint, we must use in case the current transform is not relative to Panel
// this is to account for the pixel caching feature
transform = container.elementPanel.repaintData.currentOffset * container.worldTransform;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManaged)
if (disposeManaged)