Editor hangs with Profiling Progress - Parsing Profiler Data: 0/xxxkb processed

As in the picture:

Since it’s not a crash, I have no idea how to send any kind of related stack trace
Happens in 2020.1.0b14
Could be related to “Profiler: Fixed profiler collecting samples when Playmode is paused (1244286)” fixed in b15

Update: Still happens in b15

If you have a project where you’re able to reproduce this issue, please submit a bug-report as described in this document:

It’s important that you report these issues together with a reproduction project if you want them to get fixed. If you don’t do it, it might be a long time until someone else reports them or until Unity Technologies find them.

After you submitted the bug-report, you receive a confirmation email with a bug-report Case number. Please post the Case number (number only, not the link) in this forum thread for Unity staff to pick up.


Bug Report Number: 1̶2̶6̶2̶8̶7̶8 1262892, the bug report needed to be uploaded twice due to connection failure. I can only hope the second one actually went with the files.


And I think I found the issue.
The player was also crashing when attempting to close it. I attached the debugger and got this here:
The code gets stuck at Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ui@1.0.0-preview.3\Core\Renderer\UIRenderer\UIRenderDevice.cs line 1057
I had not made the connection yet, but the issue did start quickly after updating my UI Toolkit to the new "com.unity.ui": "1.0.0-preview.3" package.
Could be something else, but this seems very suspicious

private static void ProcessDeviceFreeQueue()

            if (m_SynchronousFree)
                Utility.SyncRenderThread(); <<this line

            var freeNode = m_DeviceFreeQueue.First;
            while (freeNode != null)
                if (!Utility.CPUFencePassed(freeNode.Value.handle))
                freeNode = m_DeviceFreeQueue.First;

            // After synchronizing with the render thread, all cpu fences should pass.
            Debug.Assert(!m_SynchronousFree || m_DeviceFreeQueue.Count == 0);

            if (m_ActiveDeviceCount == 0 && m_SubscribedToNotifications)
                if (s_WhiteTexel != null)
                    s_WhiteTexel = null;
                if (s_DefaultShaderInfoTexFloat != null)
                    s_DefaultShaderInfoTexFloat = null;
                if (s_DefaultShaderInfoTexARGB8 != null)
                    s_DefaultShaderInfoTexARGB8 = null;
                m_SubscribedToNotifications = false;


Another update, I caught unity hanging again and this time the debugger managed to get me some info. one of the threads was hanging here at PackageCache\com.unity.ui@1.0.0-preview.3\Core\IMGUIContainer.cs:333
Hopefully it’s relevant. Pressing F5 never steps into nor F6 steps over. It is permanently stuck there. Since I seem to be the only person with this issue, I wonder if it is not hanging while attempting to draw some custom window or inspector I made. The issue is that I don’t really know how to get any info out of onGUIHandler. This is what the VS Inspector has to say about it:

Most relevant piece of code:

                using (new GUIClip.ParentClipScope(parentTransform, clippingRect))
                    onGUIHandler(); <<< This line
                    #if DEBUG_IMGUI_CONTAINER_EVENTS
                    Console.WriteLine($"{s_OnGUICounter++} {this.GetDisplayName()}.OnGUI({evt.rawType}>{Event.current.type})");
            catch (Exception exception)
                // only for layout events: we always intercept any exceptions to not interrupt event processing
                if (originalEventType == EventType.Layout)
                    isExitGUIException = GUIUtility.IsExitGUIException(exception);
                    if (!isExitGUIException)
                    // rethrow event if not in layout

Whole class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace UnityEngine.UIElements
    /// <summary>
    /// Element that draws IMGUI content.
    /// </summary>
    public class IMGUIContainer : VisualElement, IDisposable
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an <see cref="IMGUIContainer"/> using the data read from a UXML file.
        /// </summary>
        public new class UxmlFactory : UxmlFactory<IMGUIContainer, UxmlTraits> {}

        /// <summary>
        /// Defines <see cref="UxmlTraits"/> for the <see cref="IMGUIContainer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public new class UxmlTraits : VisualElement.UxmlTraits
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor.
            /// </summary>
            public UxmlTraits()
                focusIndex.defaultValue = 0;
                focusable.defaultValue = true;

            /// <summary>
            /// Returns an empty enumerable, as IMGUIContainer cannot have VisualElement children.
            /// </summary>
            public override IEnumerable<UxmlChildElementDescription> uxmlChildElementsDescription
                get { yield break; }

        // Set this delegate to have your IMGUI code execute inside the container
        private Action m_OnGUIHandler;
        /// <summary>
        /// The function that is called to render and handle IMGUI events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The function is assigned to onGUIHandler and is similar to <see cref="MonoBehaviour.OnGUI"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public Action onGUIHandler
            get { return m_OnGUIHandler; }
                if (m_OnGUIHandler != value)
                    m_OnGUIHandler = value;

        // If needed, an IMGUIContainer will allocate native state via this utility object to store control IDs
        ObjectGUIState m_ObjectGUIState;

        internal ObjectGUIState guiState
                if (m_ObjectGUIState == null)
                    m_ObjectGUIState = new ObjectGUIState();
                return m_ObjectGUIState;

        // This is not nice but needed until we properly remove the dependency on GUIView's own ObjectGUIState
        // At least this implementation is not needed for users, only for containers created to wrap each GUIView
        internal bool useOwnerObjectGUIState;
        internal Rect lastWorldClip { get; set; }

        // If true, skip OnGUI() calls when outside the viewport
        private bool m_CullingEnabled = false;
        // If true, the IMGUIContainer received Focus through delgation
        private bool m_IsFocusDelegated = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// When this property is set to true, <see cref="onGUIHandler"/> is not called when the Element is outside the viewport.
        /// </summary>
        public bool cullingEnabled
            get { return m_CullingEnabled; }
            set { m_CullingEnabled = value; IncrementVersion(VersionChangeType.Repaint); }

        private bool m_RefreshCachedLayout = true;
        private GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache m_Cache = null;
        private GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache cache
                if (m_Cache == null)
                    m_Cache = new GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache();
                return m_Cache;

        // We cache the clipping rect and transform during regular painting so that we can reuse them
        // during the DoMeasure call to DoOnGUI(). It's still important to not
        // pass Rect.zero for the clipping rect as this eventually sets the
        // global GUIClip.visibleRect which IMGUI code could be using to influence
        // size. See case 1111923 and 1158089.
        private Rect m_CachedClippingRect = Rect.zero;
        private Matrix4x4 m_CachedTransform = Matrix4x4.identity;

        private float layoutMeasuredWidth
                return Mathf.Ceil(cache.topLevel.maxWidth);

        private float layoutMeasuredHeight
                return Mathf.Ceil(cache.topLevel.maxHeight);

        /// <summary>
        /// ContextType of this IMGUIContrainer. Currently only supports ContextType.Editor.
        /// </summary>
        public ContextType contextType { get; set; }

        // The following 2 flags indicate the following :
        // 1) lostFocus : a blur event occurred and we need to make sure the actual keyboard focus from IMGUI is really un-focused
        bool lostFocus = false;
        // 2) receivedFocus : a Focus event occurred and we need to focus the actual IMGUIContainer as being THE element focused.
        bool receivedFocus = false;
        FocusChangeDirection focusChangeDirection = FocusChangeDirection.unspecified;
        bool hasFocusableControls = false;

        int newKeyboardFocusControlID = 0;

        internal bool focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls { get; set; } = true;

        public override bool canGrabFocus => focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls ? hasFocusableControls && base.canGrabFocus : base.canGrabFocus;

        /// <summary>
        /// USS class name of elements of this type.
        /// </summary>
        public static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-imgui-container";

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public IMGUIContainer()
            : this(null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="onGUIHandler">The function assigned to <see cref="onGUIHandler"/>.</param>
        public IMGUIContainer(Action onGUIHandler)
            isIMGUIContainer = true;


            this.onGUIHandler = onGUIHandler;
            contextType = ContextType.Editor;
            focusable = true;

            requireMeasureFunction = true;
            generateVisualContent += OnGenerateVisualContent;

        private void OnGenerateVisualContent(MeshGenerationContext mgc)
            lastWorldClip = elementPanel.repaintData.currentWorldClip;

            // Access to the painter is internal and is not exposed to public
            // The IStylePainter is kept as an interface rather than a concrete class for now to support tests
            mgc.painter.DrawImmediate(DoIMGUIRepaint, cullingEnabled);

        // global GUI values.
        // container saves and restores them before doing his thing
        private struct GUIGlobals
            public Matrix4x4 matrix;
            public Color color;
            public Color contentColor;
            public Color backgroundColor;
            public bool enabled;
            public bool changed;
            public int displayIndex;

        private GUIGlobals m_GUIGlobals;

        private void SaveGlobals()
            m_GUIGlobals.matrix = GUI.matrix;
            m_GUIGlobals.color = GUI.color;
            m_GUIGlobals.contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
            m_GUIGlobals.backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor;
            m_GUIGlobals.enabled = GUI.enabled;
            m_GUIGlobals.changed = GUI.changed;
            if (Event.current != null)
                m_GUIGlobals.displayIndex = Event.current.displayIndex;

        private void RestoreGlobals()
            GUI.matrix = m_GUIGlobals.matrix;
            GUI.color = m_GUIGlobals.color;
            GUI.contentColor = m_GUIGlobals.contentColor;
            GUI.backgroundColor = m_GUIGlobals.backgroundColor;
            GUI.enabled = m_GUIGlobals.enabled;
            GUI.changed = m_GUIGlobals.changed;
            if (Event.current != null)
                Event.current.displayIndex = m_GUIGlobals.displayIndex;

        static int s_OnGUICounter = 1;
        private void DoOnGUI(Event evt, Matrix4x4 parentTransform, Rect clippingRect, bool isComputingLayout, Rect layoutSize, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus = true)
            // Extra checks are needed here because client code might have changed the IMGUIContainer
            // since we enter HandleIMGUIEvent()
            if (onGUIHandler == null
                || panel == null)

            // Save the GUIClip count to make sanity checks after calling the OnGUI handler
            int guiClipCount = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount();


            // Save a copy of the container size.
            var previousMeasuredWidth = layoutMeasuredWidth;
            var previousMeasuredHeight = layoutMeasuredHeight;

            UIElementsUtility.BeginContainerGUI(cache, evt, this);

            // For the IMGUI, we need to update the GUI.color with the actual play mode tint ...
            // In fact, this is taken from EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState().
            // Here, the play mode tint is either white (no tint, or not in play mode) or the right color (if in play mode)
            GUI.color = UIElementsUtility.editorPlayModeTintColor;
            // From now on, Event.current is either evt or a copy of evt.
            // Since Event.current may change while being processed, we do not rely on evt below but use Event.current instead.

            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
                if (lostFocus)
                    if (focusController != null)
                        // We dont want to clear the GUIUtility.keyboardControl if another IMGUIContainer
                        // just set it in the if (receivedFocus) block below. So we only clear it if own it.
                        if (GUIUtility.OwnsId(GUIUtility.keyboardControl))
                            GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                            focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0;
                    lostFocus = false;

                if (receivedFocus)
                    if (hasFocusableControls)
                        if (focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.unspecified && focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.none)
                            // We got here by tabbing.

                            // We assume we are using the VisualElementFocusRing.
                            if (focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.left)
                            else if (focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.right)
                        else if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0 && m_IsFocusDelegated)
                            // Since GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0, we got focused in some other way than by clicking inside us
                            // (for example it could be by clicking in an element that delegates focus to us).
                            // Give GUIUtility.keyboardControl to our first control.

                    if (focusController != null)
                        if (focusController.imguiKeyboardControl != GUIUtility.keyboardControl && focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.unspecified)
                            newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;

                        focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;

                    receivedFocus = false;
                    focusChangeDirection = FocusChangeDirection.unspecified;
                // We intentionally don't send the NewKeyboardFocus command here since it creates an issue with the AutomatedWindow
                // newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;

            EventType originalEventType = Event.current.type;

            bool isExitGUIException = false;

                using (new GUIClip.ParentClipScope(parentTransform, clippingRect))
                    #if DEBUG_IMGUI_CONTAINER_EVENTS
                    Console.WriteLine($"{s_OnGUICounter++} {this.GetDisplayName()}.OnGUI({evt.rawType}>{Event.current.type})");
            catch (Exception exception)
                // only for layout events: we always intercept any exceptions to not interrupt event processing
                if (originalEventType == EventType.Layout)
                    isExitGUIException = GUIUtility.IsExitGUIException(exception);
                    if (!isExitGUIException)
                    // rethrow event if not in layout
                if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout && canAffectFocus)
                    int currentKeyboardFocus = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                    int result = GUIUtility.CheckForTabEvent(Event.current);
                    if (focusController != null)
                        if (result < 0)
                            // If CheckForTabEvent returns -1 or -2, we have reach the end/beginning of its control list.
                            // We should switch the focus to the next VisualElement.
                            Focusable currentFocusedElement = focusController.GetLeafFocusedElement();
                            Focusable nextFocusedElement = null;
                            using (KeyDownEvent e = KeyDownEvent.GetPooled('\t', KeyCode.Tab, result == -1 ? EventModifiers.None : EventModifiers.Shift))
                                nextFocusedElement = focusController.SwitchFocusOnEvent(e);

                            if (currentFocusedElement == this)
                                if (nextFocusedElement == this)
                                    // We will still have the focus. We should cycle around our controls.
                                    if (result == -2)
                                    else if (result == -1)

                                    newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                                    focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                                    // We will lose the focus. Set the focused element ID to 0 until next
                                    // IMGUIContainer have a chance to set it to its own control.
                                    // Doing this will ensure we draw ourselves without any focused control.
                                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                                    focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0;
                        else if (result > 0)
                            // A positive result indicates that the focused control has changed to one of our elements; result holds the control id.
                            focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                            newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                        else if (result == 0)
                            // This means the event is not a tab. Synchronize our focus info with IMGUI.

                            if (originalEventType == EventType.MouseDown && !focusOnlyIfHasFocusableControls)
                                focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, true);
                            else if ((currentKeyboardFocus != GUIUtility.keyboardControl) || (originalEventType == EventType.MouseDown))
                                focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, false);
                            else if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != focusController.imguiKeyboardControl)
                                // Here we want to resynchronize our internal state ...
                                newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;

                                if (focusController.GetLeafFocusedElement() == this)
                                    // In this case, the focused element is the right one in the Focus Controller... we are just updating the internal imguiKeyboardControl
                                    focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
                                    // In this case, the focused element is NOT the right one in the Focus Controller... we also have to refocus...
                                    focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this, false);
                    // Cache the fact that we have focusable controls or not.
                    hasFocusableControls = GUIUtility.HasFocusableControls();

            // This will copy Event.current into evt.
            UIElementsUtility.EndContainerGUI(evt, layoutSize);

            // See if the container size has changed. This is to make absolutely sure the VisualElement resizes
            // if the IMGUI content resizes.
            if (evt.type == EventType.Layout &&
                (!Mathf.Approximately(previousMeasuredWidth, layoutMeasuredWidth) || !Mathf.Approximately(previousMeasuredHeight, layoutMeasuredHeight)))
                if (isComputingLayout)
                    this.schedule.Execute(() => IncrementVersion(VersionChangeType.Layout));

            if (!isExitGUIException)
                // This is the same logic as GUIClipState::EndOnGUI
                if (evt.type != EventType.Ignore && evt.type != EventType.Used)
                    int currentCount = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount();
                    if (currentCount > guiClipCount)
                        Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced.");
                    else if (currentCount < guiClipCount)
                        Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are popping more GUIClips than you are pushing. Make sure they are balanced.");

            // Clear extraneous GUIClips
            while (GUIClip.Internal_GetCount() > guiClipCount)

            if (evt.type == EventType.Used)

        /// <summary>
        /// Marks layout as dirty to trigger a redraw.
        /// </summary>
        public void MarkDirtyLayout()
            m_RefreshCachedLayout = true;

        public override void HandleEvent(EventBase evt)

            if (evt == null)

            if (evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.TrickleDown &&
                evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.AtTarget &&
                evt.propagationPhase != PropagationPhase.BubbleUp)

            if (evt.imguiEvent == null)

            if (evt.isPropagationStopped)

            if (SendEventToIMGUI(evt))

        // This is the IStylePainterInternal.DrawImmediate callback
        private void DoIMGUIRepaint()
            var offset = elementPanel.repaintData.currentOffset;
            m_CachedClippingRect = ComputeAAAlignedBound(worldClip, offset);
            m_CachedTransform = offset * worldTransform;

            HandleIMGUIEvent(elementPanel.repaintData.repaintEvent, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, onGUIHandler, true);

        internal bool SendEventToIMGUI(EventBase evt, bool canAffectFocus = true, bool verifyBounds = true)
            if (evt is IPointerEvent)
                if (evt.imguiEvent != null && evt.imguiEvent.isDirectManipulationDevice)
                    bool sendPointerEvent = false;
                    EventType originalEventType = evt.imguiEvent.rawType;
                    if (evt is PointerDownEvent)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchDown;
                    else if (evt is PointerUpEvent)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchUp;
                    else if (evt is PointerMoveEvent && evt.imguiEvent.rawType == EventType.MouseDrag)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchMove;
                    else if (evt is PointerLeaveEvent)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchLeave;
                    else if (evt is PointerEnterEvent)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchEnter;
                    else if (evt is PointerStationaryEvent)
                        sendPointerEvent = true;
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = EventType.TouchStationary;

                    if (sendPointerEvent)
                        bool result = SendEventToIMGUIRaw(evt, canAffectFocus, verifyBounds);
                        evt.imguiEvent.type = originalEventType;
                        return result;
                // If not touch then we should not handle PointerEvents on IMGUI, we will handle the MouseEvent sent right after
                return false;

            return SendEventToIMGUIRaw(evt, canAffectFocus, verifyBounds);

        private bool SendEventToIMGUIRaw(EventBase evt, bool canAffectFocus, bool verifyBounds)
            if (verifyBounds && !VerifyBounds(evt))
                return false;

            bool result;
            using (new EventDebuggerLogIMGUICall(evt))
                result = HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent, canAffectFocus);
            return result;

        private bool VerifyBounds(EventBase evt)
            return IsContainerCapturingTheMouse() || !IsLocalEvent(evt) || IsEventInsideLocalWindow(evt);

        private bool IsContainerCapturingTheMouse()
            return this == panel?.dispatcher?.pointerState.GetCapturingElement(PointerId.mousePointerId);

        private bool IsLocalEvent(EventBase evt)
            long evtType = evt.eventTypeId;
            return evtType == MouseDownEvent.TypeId() || evtType == MouseUpEvent.TypeId() ||
                evtType == MouseMoveEvent.TypeId() ||
                evtType == PointerDownEvent.TypeId() || evtType == PointerUpEvent.TypeId() ||
                evtType == PointerMoveEvent.TypeId();

        private bool IsEventInsideLocalWindow(EventBase evt)
            Rect clippingRect = GetCurrentClipRect();
            string pointerType = (evt as IPointerEvent)?.pointerType;
            bool isDirectManipulationDevice = (pointerType == PointerType.touch || pointerType == PointerType.pen);
            return GUIUtility.HitTest(clippingRect, evt.originalMousePosition, isDirectManipulationDevice);

        private bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, bool canAffectFocus)
            return HandleIMGUIEvent(e, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);

        internal bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus)
            GetCurrentTransformAndClip(this, e, out m_CachedTransform, out m_CachedClippingRect);

            return HandleIMGUIEvent(e, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);

        private bool HandleIMGUIEvent(Event e, Matrix4x4 worldTransform, Rect clippingRect, Action onGUIHandler, bool canAffectFocus)
            if (e == null || onGUIHandler == null || elementPanel == null || elementPanel.IMGUIEventInterests.WantsEvent(e.rawType) == false)
                return false;

            EventType originalEventType = e.rawType;
            if (originalEventType != EventType.Layout)
                if (m_RefreshCachedLayout || elementPanel.IMGUIEventInterests.WantsLayoutPass(e.rawType))
                    // Only update the layout in-between repaint events.
                    e.type = EventType.Layout;
                    DoOnGUI(e, worldTransform, clippingRect, false, layout, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);
                    m_RefreshCachedLayout = false;
                    e.type = originalEventType;
                    // Reuse layout cache for other events.

            DoOnGUI(e, worldTransform, clippingRect, false, layout, onGUIHandler, canAffectFocus);

            if (newKeyboardFocusControlID > 0)
                newKeyboardFocusControlID = 0;
                Event focusCommand = new Event
                    type = EventType.ExecuteCommand,
                    commandName = EventCommandNames.NewKeyboardFocus

                HandleIMGUIEvent(focusCommand, true);

            if (e.rawType == EventType.Used)
                return true;
            else if (e.rawType == EventType.MouseUp && this.HasMouseCapture())
                // This can happen if a MouseDown was caught by a different IM element but we ended up here on the
                // MouseUp event because no other element consumed it, including the one that had capture.
                // Example case: start text selection in a text field, but drag mouse all the way into another
                // part of the editor, release the mouse button.  Since the mouse up was sent to another container,
                // we end up here and that is perfectly legal (unfortunately unavoidable for now since no IMGUI control
                // used the event), but hot control might still belong to the IM text field at this point.
                // We can safely release the hot control which will release the capture as the same time.
                GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

            // If we detect that we were removed while processing this event, hi-jack the event loop to early exit
            // In IMGUI/Editor this is actually possible just by calling EditorWindow.Close() for example
            if (elementPanel == null)

            return false;

        protected override void ExecuteDefaultAction(EventBase evt)
            if (evt == null)

            // no call to base.ExecuteDefaultAction(evt):
            // - we dont want mouse click to directly give focus to IMGUIContainer:
            //   they should be handled by IMGUI and if an IMGUI control grabs the
            //   keyboard, the IMGUIContainer will gain focus via FocusController.SyncIMGUIFocus.
            // - same thing for tabs: IMGUI should handle them.
            // - we dont want to set the PseudoState.Focus flag on IMGUIContainer.
            //   They are focusable, but only for the purpose of focusing their children.

            // Here, we set flags that will be acted upon in DoOnGUI(), since we need to change IMGUI state.
            if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
                // A lost focus event is ... a lost focus event.
                // The specific handling of the IMGUI will be done in the DoOnGUI() above...
                lostFocus = true;

                // On lost focus, we need to repaint to remove any focused element blue borders.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                FocusEvent fe = evt as FocusEvent;
                receivedFocus = true;
                focusChangeDirection = fe.direction;
                m_IsFocusDelegated = fe.IsFocusDelegated;
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == DetachFromPanelEvent.TypeId())
                if (elementPanel != null)
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == AttachToPanelEvent.TypeId())
                if (elementPanel != null)

        protected internal override Vector2 DoMeasure(float desiredWidth, MeasureMode widthMode, float desiredHeight, MeasureMode heightMode)
            float measuredWidth = float.NaN;
            float measuredHeight = float.NaN;

            if (widthMode != MeasureMode.Exactly || heightMode != MeasureMode.Exactly)
                var evt = new Event { type = EventType.Layout };
                var layoutRect = layout;
                // Make sure the right width/height will be used at the final stage of the calculation
                switch (widthMode)
                    case MeasureMode.Exactly:
                        layoutRect.width = desiredWidth;
                switch (heightMode)
                    case MeasureMode.Exactly:
                        layoutRect.height = desiredHeight;
                // When computing layout it's important to not call GetCurrentTransformAndClip
                // because it will remove the dirty flag on the container transform which might
                // set the transform in an invalid state. That's why we have to pass
                // cached transform and clipping state here. It's still important to not
                // pass Rect.zero for the clipping rect as this eventually sets the
                // global GUIClip.visibleRect which IMGUI code could be using to influence
                // size. See case 1111923 and 1158089.
                DoOnGUI(evt, m_CachedTransform, m_CachedClippingRect, true, layoutRect, onGUIHandler, true);
                measuredWidth = layoutMeasuredWidth;
                measuredHeight = layoutMeasuredHeight;

            switch (widthMode)
                case MeasureMode.Exactly:
                    measuredWidth = desiredWidth;
                case MeasureMode.AtMost:
                    measuredWidth = Mathf.Min(measuredWidth, desiredWidth);

            switch (heightMode)
                case MeasureMode.Exactly:
                    measuredHeight = desiredHeight;
                case MeasureMode.AtMost:
                    measuredHeight = Mathf.Min(measuredHeight, desiredHeight);

            return new Vector2(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);

        private Rect GetCurrentClipRect()
            Rect clipRect = this.lastWorldClip;
            if (clipRect.width == 0.0f || clipRect.height == 0.0f)
                // lastWorldClip will be empty until the first repaint occurred,
                // we fall back on the worldBound in this case.
                clipRect = this.worldBound;
            return clipRect;

        private static void GetCurrentTransformAndClip(IMGUIContainer container, Event evt, out Matrix4x4 transform, out Rect clipRect)
            clipRect = container.GetCurrentClipRect();

            transform = container.worldTransform;
            if (evt.rawType == EventType.Repaint
                && container.elementPanel != null)
                // during repaint, we must use in case the current transform is not relative to Panel
                // this is to account for the pixel caching feature
                transform =  container.elementPanel.repaintData.currentOffset * container.worldTransform;

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManaged)
            if (disposeManaged)

Managed to detect and fix the issue. This was caused by a bunch of (at least 60000 but I didn’t count) NativeArrays were being allocated with TempJob and failing to deallocate fast enough. I changed them all to Persistent and the issue stopped happening.

@Guedez Can you say how to do that. Iam currently having this issues

It was an issue specific to my code, try checking every place you allocate native containers to see if there is something doing it excessively.

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