I’m using Editorversion 20022.3.6f1. I create an empyt 2D project, and import a asset like this:
or this
After importing I save and test the demo scene (playing the level in the editor), the framerate is stable at 120-140fps
Then I close the project and Unity3d. After loading the project again, I test again the demo scene and then the framerate drops from 140fps to 60-70fps every 5-6 second.
Both assets have the same fps-drop, on a 2D scene and at a 3D scene too. I don’t know why, is this a bug from the editor? I’m new on the unity engine I have no experiene with older version of unity.
I used the profiler and the lag comes from the Editor-loop.
You have the profiler there so look at the EditorLoop?
166ms is not 60FPS though, that’s more like 6fps. I seem to recall there was an issue with the Aseprite Importer package recently where it was taking a lot of CPU whilst idle but that was fixed AFAIK. I’m not sure if it was intermittent or not.
The above doesn’t sound like a 2D issue though given what you’ve said. Might be better for me to move this to the Editor & General Support forum if you cannot isolate what the profiler is saying is causing the issue.
Just to clarify the point about looking at the Editor Loop: if you switch the Profiler target from Playmode to Editor you’ll get that broken down in detail.
Note that it may make a difference what is currently selected in the scene hierarchy, and how many Inspector and other editor windows you have open and visible. Most notably having both game and scene view visible at the same time.