I have a c# script which creates a menu item in the editor. How would I make it so that when clicked it opens a window with a textbox and OK button, then uses the text boxes text in the script?
It’s all explained here. This script should serve as an example of how to use a textbox and a button. A textbox will appear when you select something in the hierarchy, you can then change the name and press ok to apply the changes.
class MyWindow extends EditorWindow
@MenuItem ( "Window/My Window" )
static function ShowWindow ()
EditorWindow.GetWindow ( MyWindow );
var newName : String;
function OnGUI ()
GUILayout.Label( "Select an object in the hierarchy view" );
if( Selection.activeGameObject )
newName = EditorGUILayout.TextField( "Object Name: ", newName );
if( newName == "" )
newName = Selection.activeGameObject.name;
if( GUILayout.Button( "Ok" ) )
Selection.activeGameObject.name = newName;
newName = "";
I need a help. I dont want my window to open via Menu. I want it to open on some event or a editor button click. Is it possible to do?
In short I dont want my window to become a menu Item.