Editor not working once updated to new version of editor

My friend updated to a new version of unity and everything is broken. prefabs, colliders and scripts.
he was devastated to find out his whole game was broken.
if anyone could help my friend i cant thank enough

Is this a new version of the “asking for a friend” trope?
Well, your friend will have to

  • load back the backup they have for sure

  • or go back in the version control system they maintain for sure

  • or try to downgrade (it is not supported and discouraged, but sometimes doable):
    – make a backup
    – open up the project in the previous version of the editor
    – double check the packages
    – try to fix the errors

That’s it.

You should always have backups and a maintained version control system. Azure Devops Repos are free for personal use, GitHub is mostly free, there is no valid excuse not to use them. If nothing else, copy the folder to another location as a “backup” before you touch your project on any major way. Beats this nothing.
Otherwise, good luck fixing this and hope next time you will remember the importance of backups and VCS.