Editor only objects cannot be included in asset bundles


I’m working on an asset bundle build pipeline for our project (Unity 5.3.5p7) and one of
the issues I’ve encountered is the message from the subject,
which appears when the assets are being assigned to bundles.The building
process works by scanning each scene, getting the asset dependencies and
then assigning those assets to scene bundles and other dependent
bundles, according to common usage scenarios, scene loading scenario,
etc (trying a best fit of assets according to their scene usage).

I’m testing baked reflection probes at the moment and the
LightingData.asset for one of the scenes is getting assigned to a bundle (because it gets thrown into the scene dependency list that I get with AssetDatabase.GetDependencies), but when that package is being built, the editor throws the error (“LightmapData.asset is an editor object only and cannot be included in an asset bundle”). According to the docs, that’s accurate, because the asset should be used by the editor. However, the bundle for the scene which uses that data seems to grow considerably in size, as if the asset is included into the scene bundle instead of the dependent bundle that I assign it to.

Is there a way to filter out the assets that generate that error (other than empirically adding all the possibilities to a list)? BuildAssetBundle has been deprecated in Unity 5.0 so I cannot get any warning before calling BuildAssetBundles with the entire bundle map.

And if they cannot be included in a bundle, why do they end up in the scene bundle at build time, as if they had never been assigned to a bundle?

Thank you!

same to me waiting for answer

I’m also running into the same problem did you ever find a solution for this?