If i play a scene in the editor, and after i click an editor menù (for example File or Window), the scene are paused.
Note: ‘Pause’ button is not in a pressed status. Player settings already have “Run as background”.
How i can avoid that?
I’m writing a plugin that mirror the desktop in the VR over a texture.
In VR i can interact with inspector, scene view etc, but when i click a menù, Editor will pause, and with HTC Vive the dashboard are showed because Unity don’t render anymore until the menù it’s closed.
I filled a bug-report. With “Run in background” Unity still play also if i switch to another app, but not if i open a context menu inside Unity itself.
If the scene use VR, HTC Vive switch to Compositor until the context menu is open, and return to scene when it’s closed.
I absolutely need to resolve this issue, any suggestion is very very appreciated. Thanks.