[⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐] Editor Portals: Jump around your terrain instantly! Save so much time!

New version submitted for approval.

The UNDO button is super cool. Did you crash land somewhere by accident? No problem, hit the Undo Flight button and try again where you launched from originally.

Please note! A user has identified a rather significant bug where Scene Pilot was accidentally overriding the use of the “QWERT” move/rotate/scale/etc operations. I’ve squashed that and it’s now fixed in the new version!

I want to sincerely, profoundly thank everyone who’s purchased and LOVED Scene Pilot! I’m happy to make game development feel like playing a game itself! This should be FUN not frustrating and that’s my mission here, to make the Unity Editor work for you in new and creative ways.

If you’re loving Scene Pilot, please give it a nice review!

If you noticed anything strange with it, I’m here to help so please reach out to me directly or here on the forum.

Thanks again!

Hi! I’m looking forward to using your asset but at the moment I get this:

Assets\ScenePilot\Editor\Scripts\ScenePilotEditorWindow.cs(5,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘Boo’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Can you help?

Oh my!! I thought I fixed that already.

Somehow a ridiculous “using lang.boo;” snuck into the top of the code.

If you want to quickly fix, just double click the error in the console and delete that line. (Double clicking should load your c# editor, usually Visual Studio)

I’ll send an update asap though to officially fix that though.

Boom! Update submitted. Likely live tomorrow.

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Hey everyone! Big update, made the distance preview texture render better (previously there was some flickering) but also added a really nifty shader that creates a portal like effect that it feels like you’ll be flying through when you jump.

Get it here!



[BUNDLE: GET THIS ALONG WITH PERFECT F FOR ONLY $30 WITH THE BETTER EDITOR 2 PACK! Normally $20 each ($40 together), this is 33% off the regular price!]
Better Editor 2 Pack - Your Future Editor, Today | Level Design | Unity Asset Store

I’m repeating myself here on this page as well as your “perfect F” page. Seems to be some confusion as to pricing and what one will get?

Hi. I’m probably rather dumb…But going to the link provided only shows one asset.
And this…BUNDLE AND SAVE 33%, each asset is $14.99 or get them together for $19.99! Only $5 more!
Can you give some guidelines on prices or roadmap on what to do to receive this bargain of packages and at what price??

Hi there! Funny you should mention that as I just noticed that for the first time today after all this time. The lower price is a big typo, and it’ll be corrected likely when Unity updates tomorrow.

Tell you what, wait a day, I’ll put the bundle on sale for $20, I’ll reach out to you when it’s live

Thanks… Already have “Scene Pilot” might think about “Perfect F”. Just have to peruse it’s value :slight_smile:
Your “Scene Pilot” is the tops. “Perfect F” will have to be pretty good to top it?

Oh! Lol well Perfect F is $20 anyway . For what it’s worth the bundle is now at the sale price too, but the sale price is $20 so you can get it either way!

They’re similar concepts but ultimately quite different. Perfect F gets you around from an object to object way, it rewrites the “frame” algorithm more into a “focus” algorithm so that it’ll always bring you to set distances of given objects (instead of randomly who knows where!). Also, if you have any world space UI it’ll place you perfectly flat in front of it so you can manipulate the components positions better

Midnight in Australia…Just been looking at the Task Atlas…Looks mighty good.Might get that? Same price I think. Thanks.
I’ll sleep on it!!

Hello =)

Scene Pilot isnt working in 2021.1.4f1? Getting some Errors T_T


Oh no! Reach out to me at shrinkrayentertainment@gmail.com with a screenshot and I’ll investigate!


This is a Teaser for an upcoming project continuing the Apollo’s Dream series.

The video was made with Unity 2019 using this asset.

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Thats amazing! Very beautiful, love the music!

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Thank you!:smile:
Your assets are helping things go faster and definitely more organized.:slight_smile:

This video was made using this asset. @AtomsInTheVoid I am looking forward to your new asset!

Third in the Apollo’s Dream series, we make these for all people to find some peace and beauty in this world of chaos. We hope you enjoy it.