Hello all, I am hoping someone can help me with this problem that just started to occur on a project I am wrapping up. I have a scene I had set up for a final light bake (no real time lighting) and after I completed the high resolution light bake, everything looked good in editor window and in camera window. When I pressed play or entered game mode in the editor, the scene went down to a really low exposure. I have not changed settings for the project or any preferences and I had been doing these bakes previously with no issues. My post processing on the camera doesn’t not really change it whether on or off. If I come bak out of play mode, the editor scene remains at that low exposure. Check playmode tint in preferences but that does nothing except change the value of the actual interface menus while in play.
I am using the latest Unity 2018 LTS and the project is set up for IOS package on Ipad. It is an interior scene with many things cranked up to get high quality bakes. Again, I have had no issues previously with this setup. My machine is a new windows 10 PC using the AMD 3090x Ryzen processor and the 2080 TI RTX video card.
I am doing another back now and can post the before./ after if that would help. I can also post any project settings that would be helpful.