Editor/Sceneview - how to catch keydown?

I have been trying this very hard with no result:
I am using an AutoSnap EditorWindow script I found as my in editor levelbuilder (editorWindow script).
I would like to be able to instantiate the cubes I am placing if I press control(or alt) while moving the cubes (analogue to photoshop/illustrator etc.).
I have some editor scripts on the cubes gameobjects. In there I set a static bool if the key is pressed or not in the OnSceneGUI. I then instantiate the clones in the autosnap script. This works very well if only one cube is selected BUT as soon as I select more than one there is NO OnSceneGUI event any more. I logged this and there is no log as soon as I have selected more than one.
Is there a generic way to catch the control/shift key in the scene view (when more than one object is selected)?

Help very appreciated.


Does Input.GetKeyDown(…) work? I have no idea, but it’s worth a shot.

I found the solution.
you need this in your editor code:


or you won’t get OnSceneGUI with multiple selected objects. Argh.

You cannot use Input class because it only gives data when running but not on the editor.
you can only use this in the Editor Events:

Event e = Event.current;
//if control key is pressed
if (e.control){
//you action

Don’t use keyboard in your editor. Code is scewed up by Alt Tab shortcut.