Editor Settings: C# Project Generation: Root namespace has no effect

Since Version 5.2 there is a new setting in the Editor Settings called “root namespace”. I haven’t found any other documentation than “sets the project root namespace” about it, however, I would assume, that this puts all newly created C# scripts in the namespace which I defined there. I just doesn’t seem to work. I haven’t noticed any change whatsoever.

Am I misunderstanding the feature or what is it supposed to do? I’d really like to be able to have all my new scripts be put in a default namespace. I know that I can change the default script template, but when working in a team over several months and upgrading Unity versions, this is actually still rather cumbersome.


You can edit script template and write your default namespace there.
In Windows:
…\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\ScriptTemplates\81-C# Script-NewBehaviourScript.cs.txt

In Visual Studio (with VSTU installed), when you add a C# file using the “Solution Explorer”, you will notice that the “root namespace” is applied.

It is just weird that this does not work when you add a file using the “Unity Project Explorer” or when you add a script directly inside Unity.

I am using Unity 5.3.1 and VS 2015.