Editor sprite editor mot working correctly

I have a rectangle sprite that I use to form an image. This sprite have rounded corners.

When I use the sprite editor to make sure that the round corners are consistent I only get angled corners. In earlier versions of the editor I got the rounded corners but not in 6.

Is this a bug?

Unity has changed the default sprite import behavour to Multiple, whereas it used to be Single.

This requires you to make a preset to fix it (in every single project; I have dozens), and if you forget, then you get to hand-edit every sprite you drop in your game.

Once it is set to Single, then you can add the borders necessary for proper 9-slicing to work.

In addition to the above absolutely infuriating and completely unnecessary change, they also did this lunatic UI move: the Apply and Revert buttons are swapped left to right between the Texture Inspector and the Sprite Editor. I cannot even imagine what the person who did that was thinking, let alone the person who didn’t immediately catch it and revert it.

the Apply and Revert buttons are swapped left to right
This was absolutely an oversight at our end and it wasn’t intentional. We have put in a fix to revert it back. Thousand apologies!

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