Editor window to quickly open scenes

This is my first attempt to contribute to the Open Project. I want to try to tackle this task and noticed there’s no thread for it. So I’m creating one.
I haven’t built editor tools in Unity before but really want to learn how. So I will learn along the way.

What I have in mind is something like this:

Not sure if this is doable or the best way to do it. Let me know if there’s any suggestion!
I will post my update here.

So I watched the Livestream video and then thought: why not just open another project window?
You can do it like this:

And it looks like this:

One problem with this approach is that on the right it’s as small as the project window can get. So it might take up more space than it needs.

Do you guys think we should still make the editor tool or does the second project window just solve the issue?

PR for the tool: "Editor window to quickly open scenes" task by ThomasChen1220 · Pull Request #267 · UnityTechnologies/open-project-1 · GitHub.
Go to this thread for discussion: Editor window to open scenes

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Thanks for creating this “redirect” (and the tool). To join the discussions, I’ll close this thread and we can continue talking in the other one .
This one will stay visible though.