Since the editor does not have a way to copy the child components of a game object and apply that copy to another game object, I am trying to make a Editor Wizard that will do this.
My wizard is able to copy the components presently, but cannot copy the values of the source.
Any ideas?
Here's what I have so far (below). The commented-out code doesn't work (so, for example, I know that CloneComponent will just make clones in the source - makes a mess so don't use - it will duplicate your transform components, for example - not good!). I left the comments in so folks realize that I've tried the obvious code from the reference and so we don't "reinvent the broken wheel" so to speak.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
// CopyComponents - by Michael L. Croswell for Colorado Game Coders, LLC
// March 2010
public class CopyComponents : ScriptableWizard
public bool copyValues = true;
public GameObject fromObject;
public GameObject toObject;
[MenuItem ("Custom/Copy Components")]
static void CreateWizard ()
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Copy Components", typeof(CopyComponents), "Copy");
void OnWizardCreate ()
//foreach (GameObject go in fromObject.GetFiltered(typeof(GameObject), SelectionMode.TopLevel))
Component[] fromComps = fromObject.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
Component[] toComps = toObject.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
string msg = "";
msg += "FromObject total components count is " + fromComps.Length;
msg += "
ToObject total components count is " + toComps.Length;
/// Blows up Unity iPhone: EditorUtility.CopySerialized(fromObject, toObject); // Source to Destination
/// return;
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i < fromComps.Length; i++)
string t1 = fromComps*.GetType().Name;*
string t2 = “”;
msg += "
#" + i + " is type " + t1;
if (i < toComps.Length)
t2 = toComps*.GetType().Name;*
if (t2 != t1)
//if (copyValues)
// toObject.AddComponent(EditorUtility.CloneComponent(fromComps*));*
toComps = toObject.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
if (i < toComps.Length)
Debug.Log("toComps.Length is " + toComps.Length + " i is " + i);
// Not good at all: EditorUtility.CopySerialized(fromComps_, toComps*); // Source to Destination*
toComps = fromComps*; // Does nothing apparently.*
// This doesn’t work it just duplicates inside fromObject: EditorUtility.CloneComponent(fromComps*);
msg += " Add To: Increasing toObject component count to " + toComps.Length;
msg += " Problem: i is " + i + " but toComps is only " + toComps.Length;
if (copyValues)
// Doesn’t make a difference: Destroy(toComps);
//Duplicates in Source (not good either): toObject.AddComponent(EditorUtility.CloneComponent(fromComps));
// Not good: EditorUtility.CopySerialized(fromComps, toComps); // Source to Destination*
toComps = fromComps*; //Does nothing.*
// Trouble here also: EditorUtility.CloneComponent(fromComps*);
msg += " Cloned values.";
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(“Game Object Facts”, msg , “OK”, “”);
Thanks in advance!