EditorGUI draggable list items

So now Unity has this script execution order section in the project settings:

Each element in this list can be dragged nicely higher or lower in the list. I’m currently making a custom inspector pane and it needs to offer the ability to easily drag list items into a new order. Does anyone know if this functionality is exposed for us to use in our editor scripts? If not, anyone know a way i can produce something similar?


could please you take a look at:

i don’t know if that helps or not…

p.s: take a look at the objectReferences field too.

Can I implement listbox as above with Unity GUI script?
If so, could you recommend example/way to do it?

Thank you,

I have created a custom control which does allow items to be rearranged using drag and drop:

Reorderable List Editor Field for Unity:



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