EditorOnlyPlayerSettings property Android::VR::enable not inititalized

I downloaded the Unity VR Sample package and Road & Traffic System 2.1.2. With both packages, I get the same error when trying to enable VR [Project Settings-Player->Other Settings->Virtual Reality Supported]. Here is the error:

EditorOnlyPlayerSettings property Android::VR::enable not inititalized. Please initialize it using corresponding PlayerSettings.InitializeProperty function!
UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor:SetVREnabled(BuildTargetGroup, Boolean)
UnityEditorInternal.VR.PlayerSettingsEditorVR:DevicesGUI(BuildTargetGroup) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Src/VR/Mono/PlayerSettingsEditorVR.cs:56)

The buildslave folder referenced in the error does not exist.
I am new to Unity and I’m stuck. I cannot find a solution.

Unity Version: 5.4.0f3
VR Headset: Gear VR


Did you try restarting Unity? I had exactly same error but after the restart, this error disappear. (I don’t know whether it’s relevant but my phone is connected to my Window) Also, it may be worth to check whether the project preference-Android SDK is correctly set up.

It turns out that I did not have the Oculus Platform SDK installed.