I downloaded the Unity VR Sample package and Road & Traffic System 2.1.2. With both packages, I get the same error when trying to enable VR [Project Settings-Player->Other Settings->Virtual Reality Supported]. Here is the error:
EditorOnlyPlayerSettings property Android::VR::enable not inititalized. Please initialize it using corresponding PlayerSettings.InitializeProperty function!
UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor:SetVREnabled(BuildTargetGroup, Boolean)
UnityEditorInternal.VR.PlayerSettingsEditorVR:DevicesGUI(BuildTargetGroup) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Src/VR/Mono/PlayerSettingsEditorVR.cs:56)
The buildslave folder referenced in the error does not exist.
I am new to Unity and I’m stuck. I cannot find a solution.
Unity Version: 5.4.0f3
VR Headset: Gear VR