Effector2D physics performance

Just a quick note to say that I have a project which needed a lot of conveyor belts, to move objects along, and implemented it with rollers, like 5 rollers per block. The rollers had to rotate with a script, and have a physics material with some friction. Performance was not super great.

When I switched out these for surface effectors (unity 5), applied to a single rectangular 2d collider, physics performance more than doubled! So now my scene which was too slow even for my iPad Air, is now running nice and smooth. Thanks Unity!

You’re most welcome. Effectors are pretty efficient simply because they hook-in at a low-level and consume contacts that apply to them as they happen so they don’t need to check for applicable stuff each physics update. This also means that from a 2D physics update point-of-view, they take zero cpu overhead if nothing is in contact with them.

Yah the proof is in the pudding… they are definitely a more efficient, and easier to use addition.