Efficient way to do this?

Some of the enemies in my game can’t use the base enemy script because they have mechanics too different from a normal enemy, which means I have to make a new script for each enemy that’s like this. So my problem is in killing the enemy because I need to destroy the script on them, but how do I know what enemy script they have? I could do something like this for each script

if ( enemy.GetComponent<FirstBoss>() )

but obviously that is a horrible way to do it. How would I efficiently check for what script the enemy has in a sustainable way (sustainable as in I wouldn’t have to do any considerable work to make the code still work).

I would implement an interface. Then when you call GetComponent, call it on the interface. Your interface could even have the method that handles destroying the script.


This… WAAAY better than inheritance, and plus interfaces play super-nice with Unity Components.

Using Interfaces in Unity3D:



Check Youtube for other tutorials about interfaces and working in Unity3D. It’s a pretty powerful combination.

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