email notifications from Unity?

I’m looking for a way to receive an email when Unity has finished compiling, importing or building, these things take quite some time on my projects and I’d like to know when they’ve finished so I can return from being away from the office.

I’m wondering if there’s any software for Windows or even some way to send emails from Unity itself?

Not the direct answer, but remote desktop access could help you at least, to check current status.

Well there are some pretty neat API functions, such as “BuildSummary”, “BuildResult.Succeeded” or “BuildResult.Failed”:

And you can send emails from within Unity - check the green “Best Answer” here:

(No guarantee that it still works; that post is from 2013!)

You could probably write a custom Editor Window for this.


I already do this, but I was hoping for something to alert me. Thanks though

Thanks, I’ll take a look!

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