I have a material with the default URP Lit shader with an Emission Map assigned. In unbounded (exclusive) mixed reality mode, adjusting the material’s emission color has no effect as rendered on device. It renders as expected in editor, but always shows white emission on device regardless of the color I give it. Is this a known limitation? I couldn’t find that documented anywhere.
If you mean that the color doesn’t combine (multiply) with the map, then yes, this is a known limitation. It’s mentioned in the materials documentation: " Emission
color or texture may be specified; if they are both given, the color is reduced to grayscale and acts as a multiplier."
However, it looks like the underlying API may have changed to allow a color multiplier, so this is something we can/will revisit.
Actually, when I looked into this again, I realized why we have this workaround: RealityKit adds the color and texture values together, rather than multiplying them. So, the only multiplicative factor we have access to is the scalar emissiveIntensity.
At any rate, we have it on our road map to switch away from using RealityKit’s PhysicallyBasedMaterial to using a shader graph material for URP/Lit. When we do that, we will have far more flexibility to match Unity’s material properties.
There still appears to be an issue with Emission. I created a shader without a Basecolor that should only have color input from the Emission node. It looks fine in editor but goes greyscale in Sim/Device. Report: IN-69053
Any advice appreciated!
Thanks for the report! This appears to be an issue with HDR colors (it’s grayscale because it’s using the default value for the property, rather than the value from the material). We’ll get that fixed in the future, but in the meantime, using a non-HDR color property should work.
Thanks, this worked!