Emission doesn't work in Built-in Render Pipeline

Basically, I want to achieve a glow effect with post-processing but emission doesn’t work even if I set big values to it.

The project is originally created in URP then I changed it to Built-in Render Pipeline. Now emission doesn’t work. This is my project setting. Graphics => Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings => None. Quality => Render Pipeline Asset => None. Here’s a project that I originally created in 3D with the same settings and implementation and it works perfectly

I don’t know what is the problem with this project. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks in advance

Is the rendering set to HDR in the camera/graphics settings? Without HDR, a bloom with threshold set to 1.0 won’t do anything, because without HDR there cannot be any color values brighter than 1.0.


Thank you so much. That solved my problem. Project settings => Graphics => Tier settings => Use HDR turned that option on
8399811--1108968--Use HDR.PNG

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Having the same issue. I enabled HDR and it didn’t do anything.

check if the HDR option on your camera is set as “use graphics settings”