Empty GO player prefab PUN


I wanted to make different tags for different players (BluePlayer and RedPlayer) but in my game I don’t have any player prefab.

I want each player to see himself as the Blue player, while the other one as Red (like most RTS games).

Can I use empty gameObjects? and how can I achieve that?

How does the player “see” himself? However that is, make it blue.

How does the player “see” all others? However that is make it red!

Without a lot more specific information about what you’re doing, this question is unanswerable.

I want to instantiate blue buildings for each local player, there are 2 players in each game, and they should both see themselves on the blue side, if that’s not clear enough, I will try to organize my code a little bit then reply here.
Thanks for your feedback btw :slight_smile:

Online multiplayer runs different applications linked to sync up, you can make the check if local player( i forget the exact syntax) and paint it blue, else paint it red

Each machine runs sepratly so it should be no problem

Yeah it’s what I wanted I couldn’t find it, https://forum.photonengine.com/discussion/8977/finding-the-local-player