Empty Health Bar, remove one life

Currently lm making a FPS game for iPhone. The player has 3 lives. How do I remove one life once the health bar runs empty? Here are scripts lm using:


var health1 : Texture2D; //1 lives left
var health2 : Texture2D; //2 lives left
var health3 : Texture2D; //3 lives left
static var LIVES = 3;
function Update()
                      case 1:
                                  guiTexture.texture = health1;
                       case 2:
                                  guiTexture.texture = health2;
                       case 3:
                                  guiTexture.texture = health3;
                       case 0:
                                  //GAME OVER
                                  print("GAME OVER!");



var maximumHitPoints = 100.0; var hitPoints = 100.0;
var bulletGUI : GUIText; var rocketGUI : DrawRockets; var healthGUI : GUITexture;
var walkSounds : AudioClip[]; var painLittle : AudioClip; var painBig : AudioClip; var die : AudioClip; var audioStepLength = 0.3;
private var machineGun : MachineGun; private var rocketLauncher : RocketLauncher; private var healthGUIWidth = 0.0; private var gotHitTimer = -1.0;
var rocketTextures : Texture[];
function Awake () { machineGun = GetComponentInChildren(MachineGun); rocketLauncher = GetComponentInChildren(RocketLauncher);

healthGUIWidth = healthGUI.pixelInset.width;
function ApplyDamage (damage : float) { if (hitPoints < 0.0) return;
// Apply damage
hitPoints -= damage;

// Play pain sound when getting hit - but don't play so often
if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painBig && painLittle) {
    // Play a big pain sound
    if (hitPoints < maximumHitPoints * 0.2 || damage > 20) {
        audio.PlayOneShot(painBig, 1.0 / audio.volume);
        gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painBig.length * 2, painBig.length * 3);
    } else {
        // Play a small pain sound
        audio.PlayOneShot(painLittle, 1.0 / audio.volume);
        gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painLittle.length * 2, painLittle.length * 3);

// Are we dead?
if (hitPoints < 0.0)
function Die () { if (die) AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(die, transform.position);
// Disable all script behaviours (Essentially deactivating player control)
var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
for (var b in coms) {
    var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
    if (p)
        p.enabled = false;

LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel, Color.white, 2.0);
function LateUpdate () { // Update gui every frame // We do this in late update to make sure machine guns etc. were already executed UpdateGUI(); }
function PlayStepSounds () { var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
while (true) {
    if (controller.isGrounded && controller.velocity.magnitude > 0.3) {
        audio.clip = walkSounds[Random.Range(0, walkSounds.length)];
        yield WaitForSeconds(audioStepLength);
    } else {
function UpdateGUI () { // Update health gui // The health gui is rendered using a overlay texture which is scaled down based on health // - Calculate fraction of how much health we have left (0...1) var healthFraction = Mathf.Clamp01(hitPoints / maximumHitPoints);
// - Adjust maximum pixel inset based on it
healthGUI.pixelInset.xMax = healthGUI.pixelInset.xMin + healthGUIWidth * healthFraction;

// Update machine gun gui
// Machine gun gui is simply drawn with a bullet counter text
if (machineGun) {
    bulletGUI.text = machineGun.GetBulletsLeft().ToString();

// Update rocket gui
// This is changed from the tutorial PDF. You need to assign the 20 Rocket textures found in the GUI/Rockets folder
// to the RocketTextures property.
if (rocketLauncher) {
    /*if (rocketTextures.Length == 0) {
        Debug.LogError ("The tutorial was changed with Unity 2.0 - You need to assign the 20 Rocket textures found in the GUI/Rockets folder to the RocketTextures property.");
    } else {
        rocketGUI.texture = rocketTextures[rocketLauncher.ammoCount];

This will help you

var LifeControl;
function Start ()
    LifeControl= GetComponent(NameOfTheScriptOfLifeControl);

now i suggest you to change this:

if (hitPoints < 0.0)


if (hitPoint < 0.0)
    LifeControl.LIVES --;
    if (LifeControl.Lives <= 0)
         Die ();

i suggest you to insert some pickups to increase life percentage.

try explicitly stating a variable in the inspector for a lives gui script, and then change the static var to just var so that it can be accesed. then, you will have to modify your FPS Health script so that if the lives are greater than zero, don't die, but reset health and remove one life.