Empty space between instantiation point and trail renderer

I’m having a problem with the trail renderer that I can’t seem to resolve. I’m shooting a projectile that gets instantiated right on the edge of a circle. Attached to the projectile is a trail renderer. My problem is that the trail renderer actually shows up about 1/2inch or so past the instantiation point. See attached photo.

I want the trail to start showing immediately when the object is instantiated. I’ve adjusted every setting on the trail renderer and can’t get it to work right.

An interesting note from https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TrailRenderer.html:
Trail Renderers must be laid out over a sequence of frames; they can’t appear instantaneously.

I’m wondering if that could be part of my problem. I either need to find a way to make it appear to be instantaneous, or find another solution for rendering “trails”.

The reason why I need something like the trail renderer, and not a line renderer, is that these projectiles bounce and I want the trail to follow in the same orientation as the object redirects at different angles.

I’m having the same issue. I suspect my solution will end up being to look at the movement velocity, and instead instantiate the trail with an offset based on velocity direction and magnitude.
(also it looks to me like its based on framerate, not physics or deltatime)