Hello there people . I have a question. I want to enable a button when a bool is true. I mean I want it to be disabled when a bool is false and enable it when I set it to true.
Your question is a bit vague. You are using Unity UI? Immediate mode UI? NGUI UI? Your own?
I am using unity UI
Button.interactable? See the Unity docs for this property (https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/UI.Selectable-interactable.html), it includes an example of enabling/disabling a button
(okay, it’s actually Selectable.interactable, but Button is derived from Selectable)
public void ToggleBool(ref bool b){
b = !b; //flip b
could also use the interactable property like @T5Shared , but this keep the button visible, SetActive hides it completely
Sure. GameObject.SetActive() to show/hide, Selectable.interactable to enable/disable. He asked for ‘disabled’ and ‘enable’, so I went for that. Did we help you though, @nckbelias ?
all done
thank you!!
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