Enable dark mode in unity for free?

Oh, I’m sorry, but some people, including me, can’t take the 99th “why Unity doesn’t give us free stuff, especially dark mode” thread seriously. It is boring and doesn’t change anything.

Feel free to post something constructive and we’re on board with you to actually discuss things.

(Maybe it’s just me, but this is my opinion about these things)


This. Every argument in favor of the dark theme in this thread is merely a repeat of past arguments, and why would they make any adjustments to their business practices when it’s very clear that the people who complain the loudest continue using their products in spite of all their complaining?

Like I mentioned earlier the best time to have complained would have been when they were just gaining traction, and the next time if it comes at all will be if and when people start migrating away to the competition en masse. But that requires the people who are complaining the loudest to put their money where their mouth is.

@ @Ryiah Have you considered not reading and contributing to the threads you feel you’ve read 98 times before? Does everyone else also need to read your identical reply 98 times? Just let people be. Let those threads die by themselves instead of prolonging them ceaselessly.


Have you considered searching to verify that any points you want to bring up concerning this topic haven’t already been brought up in detail by someone else? Searching to see if a topic is already covered is standard policy for every other topic on these forums so it stands to reason that it should be policy for this topic too.

The person that started 98th thread obviously didn’t read previous 97 replies. Otherwise they wouldn’t start a new thread.

Normal response in this case is to copy-paste previous response, direct them to earlier thread, or(/and?) report the topic as duplicate.

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I don’t want to make this about toxic behaviour because that would be off-topic. But yes, my point is that you guys are not moderators. If you are that concerned about a duplicate thread, you can kindly point the poster to the original thread and or PM a moderator. @UnityMaru

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That’s bold after your thread about the gambling stuff the other day. :smile:

Let me elaborate a bit, just because apparently you choose to get offended easily for some reason. I think you take this whole thing way too seriously.
I think and I expect others to hold me to it and if I go full retard tell me to not to go full retard ever (if you don’t get the reference just google it).
This whole thread and some of others are way too harsh on Unity and don’t appreciate enough the fact that we are the users (some of us even customers) of a great Game Engine. What you can use for free without paying anything and you can make money out of it if you bear the work.
And in my book one thread is enough about these problems (lacking of a theme).
Why? Because it is not the most urgent problem, and it’s basically whining about a non-feature which was sold by a jerky company as a solution so you can use their devices late night without the lights on. Yes, I’m looking at you Apple.
And about this demand-culture. If shop “A” started to give out free toilet paper, and it would become the norm, I really think that I would never ever show up at shop “B” yelling that toilet paper is a human right and they have to hand out for free because otherwise I will stand in the parking lot all day and yelling that shop “A” hands out it for free.
Yes, you have the right to choose, you have the right to come to the forum and tell them if they’re wrong, it’s not about that. It’s about all of us, with this demand-culture you’re poisoning the fun for everyone. Just look at the General forum lately, nothing else but support questions, what Unity doesn’t give you for free and threads about what Unity has done wrong.
What is it if not toxic behavior?


Just because we’re not moderators doesn’t mean the guidelines we quoted can be ignored.


You’re also not a moderator and voicing opinions is allowed.

Report posts you find problematic, and let the moderators handle them, when they deem it necessary.

And yeah, customer vs user is on point. Unity Tech owns the engine, so they decide what features are available and on whom. You can accept or reject their offer, and should you choose to reject there are alternatives available.

Your voice carries more weight when you’re a customer and not a user. To become a customer, you need to subscribe, but if you subscribed, you should have your dark theme anyway.

As you can see a lot have happened since 98th thread: student plan, enhancer that worked until 2019.3.15.

Maybe we will get something similar to enhancer soon, thread:

To be fair this isn’t the first time we’ve had a third party make a dark theme available to everyone.


One more reason why 100th thread will be helpful.

On the contrary it’s yet another reason why searching past threads is very important. Because while it’s been brought up many times in the past there is no guarantee that it will be brought up in the future. By creating a new thread you’re placing the burden on everyone else to remember what has been brought up and it’s inevitable that some items won’t be repeated.

A company needs to evolve and compete in the market it lives in or lose business and potentially fail. Unity lives in a market where being able to customize the user interface is provided for free by pretty much all software. Charging for a dark theme is becoming increasingly difficult because your main competition continues to give things away for free and its making Unity look bad. With that said, people can not have it both ways. Unity doesn’t have royalty fees so it needs to charge for its tools and products in some way. Maybe Unity should offer a royalty based option and make everything free.

I’d say that dark theme doesn’t really matter, because in the long term the important things are API, documentation and technologies.

People talking about dark theme aren’t really bringing in the money being free users.

Also… I’ve looked for “Unreal light theme” and can’t find it. There is one abandoned project, but that’s it.

Hey I’m a bit curious how do you get a calibration?

I recall the official Unity twitter account responding directly to a similar query last October and they stated that there would be an announcement during 2020 on this topic.

Whether their solution pleases everyone or not is anyone’s guess, but I get the impression things won’t remain as they are now for much longer, one way or another.

I’m new here, but is this a satirical post? Are you really comparing people who prefer a dark theme to someone self-administering a poorly-tested medication in some sort of snake-oil hope that it will stop them from getting the corona virus?

Anyways, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to hide QOL/a11y features behind a paywall, not to mention the absolutely confusing decision to provide three different rendering pipelines to choose from and not making one, actually universal pipeline that lets a user select from all the features they need (for example, I’d like physically-based skies but I don’t need all the other features of HDRP, like the enforced feature of texture filtering – it would have made more sense IMO for Unity’s devs to focus on an engine that lets you plug and play features at will). Maybe I’m missing something here, but it makes no sense for me.

Not to mention the fact that all the documentation now needs to be split between the three, and there’s no telling whether the tutorial you’re following is even compatible with the render pipeline of your choice. Just try to figure out how to adjust exposure in Post-processing with URP… please, try to figure it out, I still don’t know how.

Honestly, at this point (two weeks of running into brick walls) if I could run Unreal on my macbook without it lagging like crazy, I would be making my game in that.

Edit: turns out I’m entirely wrong, and that’s what the Unity devs did do (with the SRP). Cool. Although I wish HDRP and URP shaders were cross-compatible so that we could pick and choose.


Yes. Just because it’s not in the form of prescription medicine doesn’t mean it can’t be dangerous. Tylenol and advil, for example, are over the counter medication that many people take for minor pain but long term use can cause damage to your kidneys. Likewise just because the dark theme is more comfortable doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safer.

Always seek medical advice from a qualified doctor just like you would receive legal advice from a qualified lawyer.

That said I don’t want you to confuse my viewpoint on the dark theme with my viewpoint on the pricing model. I’m not at all in favor of nonsensical pricing models and this is definitely that. It’s right up there with making Windows S only able to run apps that are on the Windows Store and selling a monitor stand for $1,000.


This one or another one?

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