Enable/Disable script with timer


Do you have some time to help me on this, please?
I have a particle system shooting at a sphere which I want to light up when particles collide.

Right now I have two scripts:
1 - one called “Color Change”, that just swaps the sphere’s material.
2 - and another called “Trigger” that is supposed to listen for particles that collide, enable “Color Change” during some time, and then disabling it.

I can’t get it to disable the “Color Change” script. :confused:

1 - “Color Change” :

var material1 : Material;
var material2 : Material;

function Update () {

    renderer.material.Lerp (material1, material2, 1);

2 - “Trigger” :

private var startTime;

private var restSeconds : int;

private var roundedRestSeconds : int;

private var displaySeconds : int;

private var displayMinutes : int;

var countDownSeconds : float;

function Start () {

GetComponent("Color Change").enabled = false;


function Awake() 




function Reset()


    startTime = Time.time;


function OnParticleCollision (other : GameObject){



   GetComponent("Color Change").enabled = true;

   var guiTime = Time.time - startTime;

    restSeconds = countDownSeconds - (guiTime);

        if (restSeconds == 0) {

        print ("Time is Over");

        GetComponent("Color Change").enabled = false;




function OnGUI () {

    //display the timer

    roundedRestSeconds = Mathf.CeilToInt(restSeconds);

    displaySeconds = roundedRestSeconds % 60;

    displayMinutes = roundedRestSeconds / 60; 

    text = String.Format ("{0:00}:{1:00}", displayMinutes, displaySeconds); 

    GUI.Label (Rect (400, 25, 100, 30), text);


p.s. should I make just one single script in which when the timer reaches 0, the material is just swapped back ? I don’t want to use Mathf.Pingpong, because the sphere should just only light up once for every particle collided.


____________ bump ?