enable disabled GameObjects

Hello. I am making a racing game and I need now some help. I want to enable my car if I press a button, and than I should drive. But I dont know why my script isnt working. What is wrong with it? Here is the Script:

var car = GameObject.Find(“Car Audi R8 2006 N250211”);

var came : GameObject;

function Update () {

function OnGUI (){


    car.enabled = true;
    came.enabled = false;


Can anyone help me pls? How can I enable disabled gameobjects?

You can’t find your game object with GameObject.Find. “This function only returns active gameobjects.”

What you probably should do is set the reference via the inspector.

var car : GameObject; // Just set the reference via the inspector
var came : GameObject;

function OnGUI() {
    GUI.Box(Rect(100,100,600,400), "");
    if (GUI.Button(Rect(120,450,100,20),"AudiR8")) {
        car.active = true;
        came.active = false;