Enable Draw Halo in Light Component via Script

I have a script attached to a gameobject. In the script I create a new light component.

How do I enable the “Draw Halo” button you can see in the Unity Editor via Script (C#)

(To clarify, this is not in regards to the Halo Component which cannot be edited via script, this is to enable the Draw Halo boolean in the Light Component.)

Try this,

     private void SetHalo(bool turnOn)
         Component halo = _haloObj.GetComponent("Halo");
             halo.GetType().GetProperty("enabled").SetValue(halo, true, null);
             halo.GetType().GetProperty("enabled").SetValue(halo, false, null);

You may need to uncheck draw halo and add your own Halo component on the gameobject.