enable hardened runtime / xcode 12.4 / macOS 10.15

Hi all, I am trying to register an app with developerID via xcode.
one of the requirements is to ‘enable hardened runtime’
however when I do so the compiled app starts with no main window.
if I switch off the ‘enable hardened runtime’, all works, but of course I cannot notarize the app.
Any ideas what could this be and how to resolve?
thank you


You may have solved your problem but will post an answer in case it can help someone else.
This might be due to some entitlements required by the Mono script backend to run properly.

Try updating the Hardened capabilities by ticking the following checkboxes:

Additionaly, if you need to upload to Steam, you may need to also enable “Allow DYLD Environment Variables”. I didn’t try it myself but read this on Unity’s forums.