.enabled is not working UnitySteer

I am trying to use [UnitySteer][1] and to Add the components with js.

		for (i = 0; i < lowR.length; i++) {

_ lowR*.rigidbody.useGravity = false;_
_ lowR.rigidbody.isKinematic = true;*_

_ lowR*.AddComponent(“Radar”);
lowR.GetComponent (“Radar”).LayersChecked = 1 << 9;
lowR.GetComponent (“Radar”).DetectionRadius = 300;
lowR.GetComponent (“Radar”).DrawGizmos = true;*_

_ lowR*.AddComponent(“Biped”);*_

_ lowR*.AddComponent(“SteerForNeighborGroup”);
lowR.GetComponent (“SteerForNeighborGroup”).MaxRadius = 50;*_

_ lowR*.AddComponent(“SteerForCohesion”);
lowR.GetComponent (“SteerForCohesion”).enabled = true;*_

_ lowR*.AddComponent(“SteerForSeparation”);
lowR.GetComponent (“SteerForSeparation”).enabled = true;

everything gets added properly but Steer for Cohesion and Steer for Separation components are disabled and .enabled is not working, .active as well. I also tried in C# with no luck.
_*[1]: https://github.com/ricardojmendez/UnitySteer*_

We just went through the problem of using string parameters for ‘GetComponent()’ in your previous question. Use the generic version for C# and a typed version for Javascript. When you pass in a string, the compiler does not know the type of the componenet. For example, in C#:

 lowR*.GetComponent <Radar>.LayersChecked = 1 << 9;*

And in Javascript:
lowR*.GetComponent (Radar).LayersChecked = 1 << 9;*
Note when you want to do multiple settings, consider caching the GetComponent reference. In addition there is a generic version of AddComponent() and AddComponent() returns a reference:
Radar radar = lowR*.AddComponent();*
radar.LayersChecked = 1 << 9;
radar.DetectionRadius = 300;
radar.DrawGizmos = true;