We started to work with Vertex Animation Texture recently and we used as reference keijiro sample: GitHub - keijiro/HdrpVatExample: VAT (Vertex Animation Texture) with Unity Shader Graph and Visual Effect Graph
Unity 2019.4.3f1 and HDRP 7.4.1
I am trying to enable Motion Vectors for vertex animation created in shader graph and I found two steps that actually do something.
- Enable Motion Vector For Vertex Animation
- Enable Precomputed Velocity
In results I see some motion blur but it is working incorrectly. Everything becomes blurred. I understand that i do not need precomputed velocity because this option will work only with Alembic files but if I enable only Motion Vector for Vertex Animation it do not reacts with Motion Blur at all.
Enable precomputed and MV for VA
Disable one of the parameters or both